How to Transform Your Masculine Husband into a Cuckold Bisexual Sissy

Step 1: Shifting His Mindset Towards Submission A masculine man often takes pride in control, dominance, and traditional gender roles. The first step is subtly challenging these beliefs while making submission feel exciting and rewarding. This stage requires psychological conditioning, reinforcement, and the careful introduction of new dynamics that make submission feel both natural and desirable. 1.1 Creating Curiosity and Challenging His Dominance Playfully Question His Authority: Use teasing and flirtation to challenge his sense of control. Say things like, "Are you really the one in charge, or do you just like to think so?" This encourages him to start questioning his automatic assumption of dominance. Present Submission as a Treat, Not a Punishment: Rather than framing submission as something forced upon him, [...]

From Vanilla to Femdom: How to Introduce Your Man to Submission

Many women fantasize about having a man who worships their every step, obeys their every command, and takes pleasure in their dominance. But what if your partner is more "vanilla" or hesitant about stepping into a submissive role? Introducing a man to submission requires finesse, patience, and a strategic approach to ensure both partners feel comfortable and excited about the journey. Understanding the Psychology of Submission Before diving into the "how," it’s essential to understand the mindset of a submissive man. Many men secretly crave submission but may struggle with societal conditioning that tells them they must always be dominant, assertive, and in control. Others may have never considered it but could be open to it if introduced in the right way. Your [...]

Tuesday Morning Musings…

Last night Mistress said something that made me feel really happy. While I had been out at work she had read the two posts I posted yesterday. She was very pleased with my review of our session, and she agreed that yes we do need to come up with some kind of punishment for me for any potential unauthorised touching or edging and not just rely on dealing with it in the session.She went on to say that even though I hadn't done anything wrong in the last four weeks she still didn't want to give up being able to whip and spank me in the session and therein lies the problem. Also, there's always been the issue that once I break the [...]

By |2025-03-04T06:23:46-08:00March 4th, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments

Leaving It to Fate (Written March 2025)

Like most women, I guess, when my husband first brought up the idea of ‘chastity’ I was a little freaked out. I didn’t understand why he wanted to be teased and left frustrated and I really didn’t get the appeal of keeping his cock locked up. But after much talking and much reassurance on his part I eventually agreed to try it. At first it was weird, though I did kind of like having his key around my neck and it was fun to wear low cut tops so he could see it dangling between my heavy breasts.After a while I warmed to it and I loved how eager he was to please me. But of course being a good wife I was [...]

By |2025-03-04T00:23:46-08:00March 4th, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments

Basking in the Afterglow…

After our amazing session yesterday I ended up staying up until 1:30am writing my previous post, which is probably why I'm a little sleepy today. But still, I'm glad I did because I wanted to capture as much detail as possible before too much time passed... and honestly I've already read it back twice today, just revelling in the memories. You might perhaps imagine that given I was allowed to cum in our previous session and I wasn't in this one that I would feel slightly disappointed, but nothing could be further from the truth. I think this session was even better than the previous one (and that one was fantastic as it was), probably because we were both a little more relaxed this [...]

By |2025-03-03T06:23:46-08:00March 3rd, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments

FEMDOM SESSION (2nd March 2025)

Since I imagine some people read these 'Session' posts in isolation, I'm first going to recap what happened the night before our second session of 2025.Last night I went to bed before Mistress as I was feeling a bit like I was getting a cold, but once I got into bed I realised I wasn't as tired as I thought so I read a couple of stories on Literotica. I went to sleep about midnight and woke up about 1:30AM to hear Mistress coming to bed. I heard her get into bed and lie down facing away from me and I moved to cuddle her from behind. I was semi-hard at this point but I wasn't really expecting anything to happen, especially given that [...]

By |2025-03-02T18:17:47-08:00March 2nd, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments

The Elusive Sub Space and Another Story Done…

Earlier today I posted about the wonderful teasing I experienced last night when Mistress came to bed in the early hours of the morning. I noticed that our friend SubHub left a comment on my post quoting a part of my text and agreeing wholeheartedly with what I said.sub hub in phx2 March 2025 at 13:52"I can't tell you how much I love being in that sub-space... such an intense feeling."There's nothing like it. Being in sub-space and being teased. Unless you're talking to someone that's been there, it's really difficult to explain what it's like. So true. It really is quite impossible to describe. I can only equate it to how I imagine it feels to be 'high' (I've never indulged in any [...]

By |2025-03-02T14:23:46-08:00March 2nd, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments

Incredible Late Night Teasing…

Last night I was feeling a bit 'coldy' so I had a Lemsip and went to bed before Mistress, but when I got into bed I realised I wasn't as tired as I thought so I decided to read a couple of stories before I went to sleep. As I mentioned 'Wants2bsub' yesterday I pulled up his author page and read another two of his works (both really good and soon to be added to the 'Stories by Other Authors' page) before I turned out the light.About 1:30am (I think) I woke up and realised that Mistress R was coming to bed. As is often the case at night I was hard when she got into bed and though I wasn't expecting anything [...]

By |2025-03-02T03:23:46-08:00March 2nd, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments

Lagoon Shadows #sinfulsunday

Originally posted here at Sinful Sunday around the middle of 2023, I think, but subsequently lost from my pages here during my “semi-retirement”. (See Modestly Returning from April 2024). But as it is one of my personal favourite “summer photos”, and reminds me of lovely summer fun in our favourite place, I wanted to feature it here again. It was so, so hot on this particular day during our journey into town, that I just had to seek out some cooling shade from the trees around the lagoon!!! I’m sure you’ll find lots more happy memories being shared at this weekend’s Sinful Sunday, by kissing the sexy lips below! Xxx – K P.s. If you’ve read my “Modestly Returning” post at the beginning [...]

By |2025-03-02T01:58:00-08:00March 2nd, 2025|Categories: Dommes|0 Comments

Seven More Stories Added to the Stories by Other Authors Page…

I've added a bunch of stories to the 'Stories by Other Authors' page today, and I've also reversed the order so that the newest additions come at the top rather than the bottom - should have done that in the first place really! Most of these stories are quite old, I found an old page on the blog with a list and I've been checking them out to see if they are still worth sharing. Some are a bit basic or short compared to what I've already shared and I don't want to post links to any old stories, and I've also checked the author's home page on Literotica to see what else they've written. I still have quite a few to check out, [...]

By |2025-03-01T16:23:46-08:00March 1st, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments