The Power of Distraction…

Yesterday I did something really stupid. No, don't worry I didn't touch my cock again... I'm not that stupid! No, unfortunately I was supposed to sort out the garage while Mistress had lunch with her friend... and I did eventually do that, but as I entered the chaos that was our garage I spied the lawn edger and decided it would be a good idea to edge the lawn. I mean, sounds like way too much fun for the lawn if you ask me, but anyway...Our lawn is pretty small, so it wasn't a big job or anything. One edge has paving slabs and one edge meets gravel so it's really just the back and the right hand side that needed doing. So [...]

By |2025-03-22T14:23:47-07:00March 22nd, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments

What Made You Think I Was Going to be Fair….

Every so often I come across a caption that really speaks to me. This is one such caption... if we're honest with ourselves 'fairness' is the absolutely last thing we really want.  Speaking of which, another awesome post at SubHub's blog 'She Was Selfish'.

By |2025-03-21T05:24:43-07:00March 21st, 2025|Categories: Chastity|1 Comment

Oops, I Did it Again…

I didn't think it would happen so soon... I really didn't, but unfortunately I slipped up again!I'm still not sleeping well, and this morning I had to get up early to go and get weighed. While I've generally been waking up before 7AM, this morning I woke up at 5:40... and I just knew I wasn't going to get back to sleep. I tried, but it just wasn't happening, and eventually I rolled onto my back. I was kinda half awake - half asleep, and I suddenly realised I was touching my cock. I immediately pulled my hand away, and the stupid thing is it wasn't even as if I was hard and desperate for attention! So of course I had to tell Mistress [...]

By |2025-03-19T02:23:47-07:00March 19th, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments

Top 10 Femdom Fantasies Every Submissive Man Should Explore

For men drawn to the allure of female domination, the world of femdom offers a thrilling playground of power, trust, and intimacy. Submitting to a confident, assertive woman can unlock femdom fantasies you didn’t even know you had—and for many, it’s the femdom fantasies that fuel the journey. Whether you’re a seasoned submissive or just dipping your toes into this dynamic, exploring femdom fantasies can deepen your connection with your dominant partner and enhance your understanding of yourself. In this article, we’ll dive into the Top 10 Femdom Fantasies Every Submissive Man Should Explore. These ideas range from sensual to intense, all rooted in consent and communication—because in femdom, the real power lies in mutual respect. Ready to surrender? Let’s get started. 1.  [...]

Sunday Morning Teasing…

So it seems that 'Danni and Mike: The Anniversary' hasn't quite hit the mark like the previous four stories I posted to Literotica and it's currently sitting just under the 'HOT' threshold on 4.4 / 5. Still a jolly good score, but not quite there. It has risen about 0.3 over the last couple of days so it's heading in the right direction, and I guess I should be happy with that.I was planning to follow that up with 'Danni and Mike: Danni's Game', but instead I've been working on 'Recruiting a New Pet - Chapter 2' (with outlines for chapters 3, 4 and 5!) since what started as a pretty short, almost throwaway tale of Goddess Cora and her nervy young pet [...]

By |2025-03-16T05:23:46-07:00March 16th, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments

More Positive Discussions and a Punishment…

Last night was interesting and very positive. Mistress was rather tired (neither of us seem to be sleeping that well at the moment), and after she had a nice orgasm on my tongue I just wanted her to rest. But she insisted she wanted to tease me... and I was eventually persuaded. And I'm glad because it was bloody fantastic! But first Mistress decided to administer the punishment for my accidental ruin the other day. Now as you know I'm no pain slut... so don't expect me to take 50 swats with a paddle. But I want to be fair with Mistress as far as establishing what is a reasonable punishment for distinct events because I want them to be a deterrent too and after the [...]

By |2025-03-13T09:23:47-07:00March 13th, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments

It’s Only Words…

The other day I suggested that perhaps Literotica might return my story 'Tell Me the Truth' because of the ball-kicking content it contained; but I was wrong and they published it without any issue. However I noticed this morning that I had an email from 'Blogger' telling me that my post 'Tell Me the Truth' had been re-instated. Looking further down my inbox I discovered another email telling me my post had been put behind a sensitive content warning... so maybe it's Google I need to worry about now?Quite why they need to put individual posts behind 'Sensitive Content' warnings when the whole blog is behind a sensitive content warning I really don't know, but I'm glad they decided to put it back. [...]

By |2025-03-12T07:23:46-07:00March 12th, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments

Danni and Mike – The Anniversary Dinner (Written March 2025)

This story was originally written in 2023, but revised and finished in March 2025.Danni and Mike sat in the back of their taxi, holding hands as they rode through the warm summer night towards the home they’d shared for just over a year now. Tonight for their third wedding anniversary they’d revisited the scene of their very first date, a small upscale Italian restaurant in the middle of town. But the restaurant held more memories than simply the venue of their first date, it was also where Mike had asked Danni to marry him and also where he had officially asked her to take on the role of his ‘Mistress’. Not that this had come as a surprise to Danni, she was well aware [...]

By |2025-03-11T16:23:46-07:00March 11th, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments

So Much for the Lie In…

Today I had a later start than normal as I wasn't going directly to my normal place of work, so I set my alarm for 7:30 instead of 7:10 and looked forward to enjoying an extra 20 minutes sleep. But of course it was not to be, I woke up at 5:55 and spent the next 90 minutes feeling a little bit cold, but not quite cold enough to actually do anything about it... and then of course I finally started to drift off at 7:25. FFS.But obviously time awake in bed is never completely wasted, even when you are forbidden from touching yourself.... and while of course my first train of thought was to revisit Saturday night's magnificently frustrating tease session (I [...]

By |2025-03-11T09:23:46-07:00March 11th, 2025|Categories: Chastity|0 Comments