Twice the Fun

By Mrs. BDeniedHeard from one Buddy a month ago there was a possibility he'd be in town on 2 days. Does not always happen, sometimes one ends up not panning out.  But catch as catch can! I'll take it when I can get it!  He was in  town at the beginning of the month, and sure enough, 2 weeks later he was back. Very nice...ocean front hotel to boot! Sweet.This hotel only has a small area to park and for customers only, or street parking. My Buddy worries about me, so I texted him 2 days prior that there is  a parking garage, so not to worry. However,  turned out the garage is for residents only. I went into the hotel & asked [...]

By |2020-06-23T04:33:00-07:00June 23rd, 2020|Categories: Cuckolding|Tags: |0 Comments

the rest of the Story

A brilliant observer of humans long time radio host would often tell a compelling story about a person/s and not tell the listener until the end of whom he commented on and when he did, he would say "and now you know the rest of the story," and with that I teased about a recent cuckolding experience and now you get the rest of the story. So last Thursday, 6/18 he guy was back in town on business staying at the same hotel as he did on his past visit a couple of weeks earlier.  She does not often get to see him twice in a month, and sometimes not even twice a year so she was very excited to have him back in [...]

By |2020-06-22T05:54:00-07:00June 22nd, 2020|Categories: Cuckolding|Tags: |0 Comments

Teasing a preview

Some cuckolding happened this week but right now I don't have time to write all the details so Im going to tease the readers (if there are still any) by posting this little missive.She hooked up, she had fun, she came home, we had fun.Details will arrive beginning of the week....Probably Monday....until then let your imagination run wild Teasing a preview The Ultimate Male Chastity Key Holding Experience

By |2020-06-19T05:05:00-07:00June 19th, 2020|Categories: Cuckolding|Tags: |0 Comments

Cum and Stay awhile!

by Mrs bdeniedThe evening before a prearranged meeting with My Guy, I texted him to see if it was still a go. Yes it was.  He had until 10 so come at 8. Mr. bdenied & I  were having dinner at home, when I had a thought. Why don't we book a room tonight, prep my pussy by shaving, have some fun, then you can go to your appointment in the morning while I entertain my Guy. So we did. Went to the resort and was given a room with a nice view of the ocean.  He shaved my pussy, but he could not do anything else. He drove off early the next morning with the thought I would be with another man [...]

By |2020-06-08T09:47:00-07:00June 8th, 2020|Categories: Cuckolding|Tags: |0 Comments

Balconies and BJs

So the date was arranged and he was to arrive at a hotel not far from us and they were to meet up in the morning as he had a quick meeting and then had to leave town.  It was going to be a drive by fuck!I had an appointment on the other side of town at the same time as the planned hook up and one car was causing some scheduling conflicts.I have the highest level of hotel perks for spending so much of my life in hotel rooms of one particular brand.  So the solution was why not get a room, spend the night with her.....enjoy the amenities and in the morning head to my appointment while she headed to her [...]

By |2020-06-06T11:56:00-07:00June 6th, 2020|Categories: Cuckolding|Tags: |0 Comments

Im Not Done Fucking You. Know Your Fucking Place Bitch!!!

I don’t know how many times I’ve said this. It’s been a lot though and it got me thinking about the complex hotness behind that simple verbalization and act. It’s obviously a selfish action for me and conveys a high degree of dominance in the moment. “I’m just informing you of what will happen and am not asking for your input. I don’t care if you’re done or not, I’m going to continue using your body”. You know, that kind of thing. But I think there’s a more interesting side to this. Her side. How she interprets and reacts to this. So what does she get from this exactly? She gets to continue feeling your weight on her, feel your hands wound tightly [...]

By |2020-05-27T15:25:47-07:00May 27th, 2020|Categories: Cuckolding|Tags: |0 Comments

verified: mischievous (revised)

A Revised Introduction and Explanation In September of 2019 I first introduced the couple named mischievous. Over the eight months since then I have published thirteen updates on them, sharing the progress of her evolution into an empowered slut and his evolution into a denied cuckold. Although I still feel their experience has been genuine […] verified: mischievous (revised) The Ultimate Male Chastity Key Holding Experience

By |2020-05-25T11:23:55-07:00May 25th, 2020|Categories: Cuckolding|Tags: |0 Comments

The world is becoming Normal Again!

Hopefully the title says it all.  The world is becoming normal again.  We can hope can't we. Due to a lot of factors, the least of which was this virus we have not ventured out much and there has not been any extra sex activity for my lovely lady for quite some time.  That may come to an end soon we hope and something in the future is planned.In the meantime like a lot of guys I have been hitting various "adult" themed web sites.  One of my greatest thrills is when I catch a glimpse up a short skirt.  No not the kind of posed stuff we so often see with a woman who has her legs opened way wider than any woman [...]

By |2020-05-24T11:20:00-07:00May 24th, 2020|Categories: Cuckolding|Tags: |0 Comments

Meet Sissy Melanie Rose

This post from Fem Sissy appeared first on This sissy maid forgot her duster and brought her leash instead. As punishment she wants permanent online exposure! This post from Fem Sissy appeared first on

By |2020-05-16T11:28:52-07:00May 16th, 2020|Categories: Cuckold, Cuckolding, Level 4, Sissification, Sissy|Comments Off on Meet Sissy Melanie Rose