I think it’s hot how Ben says “please” when he tells me calmly to “shut up…

I think it’s hot how Ben says “please” when he tells me calmly to “shut up and cum please” Source: A Happy Cuckoldress I think it’s hot how Ben says “please” when he tells me calmly to “shut up…https://www.femdomtraining.ca/i-think-itrsquos-hot-how-ben-says-ldquopleaserdquo-when-he-tells-me-calmly-to-ldquoshut-up/

Spite week: cocktails!

One of my favourite cocktails is the Vieux Mot. You may need to fiddle with the proportions from that recipe a bit, that much simple syrup and elderflower liquer makes for a very sweet drink. I like mine a bit tart, if it’s too sweet it just tastes sticky to me. I also love bourbon (or whisky!) sours, more so the way my husband makes them. He uses honey syrup instead of regular simple syrup, which I think is tastier. He doesn’t do recipes, though, so all I can tell you about making honey syrup is that you put a dollop of honey in a little water and warm it up in the microwave. If it takes a couple of tries to get it [...]

Second Chance Lifetime Gold Member

ATTENTION:  THIS Is A One Chance Offer. If you click away from this page, it will disappear forever and this low, low, price for what you get will not be accessible again. and then it will be gone forever at this price….. Welcome Members…. If you have been enjoying your membership, we would like to offer you a chance to access all of our past, present, and future PAID hypnosis files for a one time charge. We would like to offer you a chance at upgrading your membership to a lifetime gold member so that you can get the full benefits of our site completely and save $204.00 annually in subscription charges.  We know our monthly price is a screaming deal to receive all the value [...]

By |2017-04-21T14:25:23-07:00August 2nd, 2016|Categories: femdom, Uncategorized|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Are You Hoping For A FLR Because You Want To Be Rejected and Restricted?

I understand that the common perception of a Female Led Relationship is rooted in kink, D/s and S&M. Through Conquer Him (With Love), LovingFLR.Com and FemaleLedSociety.Org I hope to change that. A Female Led Relationship can be a relationship where the woman highly respects the man in her life, appreciates that he has wisdom and+ Read More The post Are You Hoping For A FLR Because You Want To Be Rejected and Restricted? appeared first on Conquer Him. Source: Conquer Him Are You Hoping For A FLR Because You Want To Be Rejected and Restricted?https://www.femdomtraining.ca/are-you-hoping-for-a-flr-because-you-want-to-be-rejected-and-restricted/

Spite week returns!

You know what I really enjoy? Spite! Back at the beginning of last year I did an entire week of short posts specifically to spite this one sad bastard who thought that being kinky meant that everything I did was somehow related to me being kinky, because obviously I don’t get to be fully human if I happen make a manchild feel funny in his pants. While I was doing that, I discovered it’s kind of fun to write short posts about whatever I feel like. Enjoy another week of random stuff about my interests, it’s like I think I’m some kind of person or something. This year, let’s kick spite week off with a few songs I’ve been enjoying recently. Because I am a human [...]

Humiliation Equipment Sourcing

I wonder if my wonderful blog followers can help me with some sourcing problems I have. Things wear out, new items become available. There are three items I wish to purchase to keep bitch-boy’s humiliation and subjugation levels at their highest but am struggling to find a UK source. THE FIRST item is a see through plastic apron with frills. He has had a cream PVC apron for years which is very frilly indeed and he has to wear it for his kitchen work and serving meals, to protect whichever of his  pretty little girl’s dresses he is wearing under the apron. This apron is however, very much, on its last legs. I have seen frilled see-through plastic aprons on the internet and would love to get one [...]

Reader Letter: Communicating Your Needs To Your Sub

This reader has another common femdom problem- dealing with getting the head space right when your frame of reference is decidedly focused on partner pleasing. Add that age old bugbear of personal anxiety about your attractiveess, and you have a thorny problem worth examining. Hi Miss Pearl, I just wanted to say I love your site. You have really given me perspective and help to evaluate how I want my relationship to be, not how others think it should be. I do need some advice though! I have been with my boyfriend for almost 3 years.  He has been in one previous D/s relationship that ended badly, and has not been in one since. I have recently discovered, especially since being with him, [...]

Why Is Male Chastity Closely Associated With Female Led Relationships?

Before I answer this question I want to share with you why I am qualified to answer it. I am not in a Female Led Relationship at the moment and I was not in one when I created Conquer Him. I began studying Female Led Relationships objectively because I saw that people were interested in+ Read More The post Why Is Male Chastity Closely Associated With Female Led Relationships? appeared first on Conquer Him. Source: Conquer Him Why Is Male Chastity Closely Associated With Female Led Relationships?https://www.femdomtraining.ca/why-is-male-chastity-closely-associated-with-female-led-relationships/

Perfect and Cruel Status Differentiation

I thought these two videos were wonderful in depicting such a strong reinforcement of status differentiation and delightful cruelty too. A slaves cock VERY cruelly squashed under the Mistresses chair and denied sexual pleasure or climax, and the Mistress enjoying relaxed, satisfying masturbation in the face of the denied, tortured slave. VIDEO 1 VIDEO 2 Source: Ms Scarlet Perfect and Cruel Status Differentiationhttps://www.femdomtraining.ca/perfect-and-cruel-status-differentiation/

yumine-guo: zeroafterdark: Everyone headcanoning their…

yumine-guo: zeroafterdark: Everyone headcanoning their sexualities but I’m just thinking candela is probably one kinky lady and ole sparky is the kinda guy who’s up for anything Haha this is a take on the gym leaders I haven’t seen yet… Source: Keep Calm And Eat My Cookie

By |2017-04-21T14:25:30-07:00July 29th, 2016|Categories: femdom|Tags: |0 Comments