Bad pervert, no donut!

Or, for fucks sake your coworkers obviously do not need to know that you’re kinky. Sometimes I binge-read Ask A Manager, an advice blog by, you guessed it, a manager. Alison (author of Ask A Manager and multiple books) gets some weird questions, but I think this is one of the weirdest: my coworker wants us to call her boyfriend her “master” (there’s also a followup post where, shockingly enough, the coworker leaves that job). To quickly summarize, some asshole with either no boundaries or a thoroughly juvenile interest “freaking the mundanes” decided that it was totally fine and definitely not extremely weird to call her boyfriend “master” at work related social events. Even as a kinky person myself I have no desire to know whether my coworkers [...]

By |2017-05-07T15:12:16-07:00February 26th, 2017|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments

Is submission learnable?

As much as the idea of training as a universally recognized path to Doing Submission Correctly irritates the shit out of me, I do actually think that some parts of submission can be practiced. To be entirely clear, the fetishy idea that there is such a thing as The Marketplace and one correct way to submit and you just have to learn the right way to kneel, the right way to beg, and you’re set forever is completely ridiculous. That is how scenes work, but that is not even slightly how relationships work and I really wish people could keep that shit straight. When I talk about submission being learnable, I am absolutely not talking about anything anyone would ever jerk off to in any [...]

By |2017-04-21T14:23:04-07:00January 15th, 2017|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments

Fantasy, reality, and mismatches

As I was reading a thread about people immediately demanding submission in that one Fetlife group I like, I had a thought. Well, a couple of related thoughts. 1) I thinking roleplaying online is perfectly fine as long as it’s clear that’s what you’re doing, and 2) I think a big chunk of what makes people miserable trying to find a kinky partner is mixing up roleplayers and realists. To recap the original post from that thread, the OP was curious if it’s normal and accepted or something that’s just brushed off as silliness or what when somebody puts stuff on their profile like “Anyone who wishes to speak with me will address me as Goddess/Mistress/High Grand Poobah”. Most of the replies were “yeah, [...]

By |2017-04-21T14:23:10-07:00January 8th, 2017|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments

Another take on self-acceptance

Recently I got a nice message from a reader about self acceptance and figured that’s as good an excuse as any to write about something I’ve been thinking about anyway. Unlike some sadists, I’ve never worried very much about whether I’m evil or profoundly disturbed or going to end up a serial killer or something. I do sometimes get a little anxious after scenes and need to be reassured that the specific person I played with had a good time and still likes me, but I’ve never had that “shit, am I evil?” fear that isn’t exactly unknown among sadists. So like I’ve said earlier, I had a shitty childhood. And weirdly, I think that’s connected to my lack of fear that being a sadist [...]

By |2017-04-21T14:23:17-07:00January 1st, 2017|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments

How to get responses on Fetlife

Maybe if I title a post with the exact search string I saw in my stats, people will read it A lot of this advice is going to sound familiar if you’ve already read my post how to make friends on fetlife for the hard of thinking, but in the spirit of the holidays this post is going to be a bit gentler of a guide to getting responses to your fetlife (or collarspace or okcupid or whatever social network or personals site you choose to message people on) messages. Merry Christmas, I’m going to teach you how to get responses to your messages! Disclaimer: this guide is aimed at submissive men who are interested in dominant women. Some of it might be [...]

By |2017-04-21T14:23:25-07:00December 18th, 2016|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments

“why every women should try femdom”

Somebody found my blog by searching for “why every women should try femdom” and if they weren’t disappointed already, they sure will be now Every woman should most certainly not try femdom. If you’re already curious or at least undecided one way or the other, sure, by all means give it a shot. But if you already know that’s not for you, then you should in no way feel obligated to waste your time doing something you know you won’t like. Sure, in general I think trying stuff is a good way to find new stuff you really enjoy, but that absolutely does not mean people should try stuff they know they aren’t into. Trying shit out is for stuff you don’t know if [...]

By |2017-04-21T14:23:28-07:00December 11th, 2016|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments

Kink in public: keep it to yourself, asshole

Honestly, just go read this excellent tumblr post, I really don’t have that much to add. If you absorb nothing else from that post, take this one thing: those people going about their day in public DID NOT CONSENT TO BEING PART OF YOUR SCENE. I’m not saying that you can’t ever do anything the tiniest bit kinky if you’re not behind multiple locked doors, just that you need to not be a complete fucking asshole about it. It’s not doing something kinky outside of your house that’s the problem, it’s involving non-consenting people in your scene like a gross fucking creeper. It’s really not the point of this post, but there are plenty of ways to subtly enjoy your kink in public without anyone else [...]

By |2017-04-21T14:23:32-07:00December 4th, 2016|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments

Bonus spite: more music

Why? Because I can What kind of sorcery makes a fucking recorder sound good?! For those who’ve been spared the misery, a recorder is a terrible wind instrument given to small children to make awful high pitched squeaking noises until a nearby adult snaps and hides it forever. This is how you make a song with few and repetitive lyrics actually sound good. Serena Ryder, I hope you’re taking notes. Stompa was so good, how did you fuck up so badly with got your number? Normally I hate remixes but this one is actually really good. I’ve had this song stuck in my head for ages, now you will too >:) Just listen to everything REZZ has ever done, she is fucking amazing.   [...]

By |2017-04-21T14:23:35-07:00November 27th, 2016|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments

How to arrange a gangbang as if you’re a fucking grownup

Not so long ago some stupid creepy fuck in my area posted a personal ad that convinced multiple people he was trying to get some poor girl raped. That creepy fuck fucked up so badly that I very strongly and very bluntly agreed with someone I can’t stand just to have a chance of protecting someone from that loathsome asshole. On the upside, there is something we can learn from Creepy McRapester and his creepy, rapey thread. But first, a bit of a disclaimer: It is OK to fantasize about being the subject of a gang bang. It is OK to get off on it. It is OK to plan to actually do it. It is OK to go through with that plan. [...]

By |2017-04-21T14:23:40-07:00November 20th, 2016|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments


Why yes, I read this post by Ferrett ages ago and am only just now getting around to blogging about it The gist of it is that if it comes up naturally, he’s going to talk about how great his other partners are and if that’s a problem for you then you shouldn’t date him. That seems pretty reasonable, right? I mean, if you never want to hear about your partner’s other partners, wouldn’t you want to know that this new guy is likely to squee about his partners before you get attached? That’s why I was surprised by the amount of pushback in the comments. According to a bunch of people, it’s terrible to warn people about stuff that might be a dealbreaker [...]

By |2017-04-21T14:23:43-07:00November 13th, 2016|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments