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Femdom App

Download our Android App to access premium files FOR FREE.  Our femdom app provides quick acces to the most important training materials on our site, including hypnosis, articles, training series, videos, and much, much more.

Femdom Android App

Installation Instructions.

This femdom app is adult in nature and therefore will not be put into the play store or will we be developing an iphone version.  By clicking on the image above “Download our FREE mobile app” while on an android device, your download will immediately begin. Then follow these instructions:

  1. Pull down on the top of your phone for your notifications.
  2. Find the ad-h0ck file you just downloaded and click on it.
  3. You will be asked to change settings to allow downloads from unknown sources.  Do it.  You can flip this setting back when you are done.  This is the only way that the app can be downloaded when you do not submit to Google Play store.  There are no tracking software on the app, and it does not need any special permissions other than location services so that we can see where the majority of our downloads come from for internal marketing purposes.  This app is free and will always be free, and will be developed further as we go on to meet the needs of our fastest growing femdom membership club.
