Hypnosis File Length: 34 Minutes and 6 Seconds
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Too many wannabe male submissive men are going down this rabbit hole for the wrong reason. You are looking for a payoff. A kinky desire or fetish needing to be filled. What if I showed you a better way? What if all your obsessive behaviour surrounding your fantasies could be leveraged to create the life you really want? What if you learned to serve women, all the time, without expectation of a payoff? What if you were able to get out of your own way and connect with people on a much deeper level than fetish? Well my little sluts, you can. It all starts by just doing some simple things. You will learn to appreciate the phrase “just do it”. You will learn to get excited, and even hard, when you do something for the women in your life. Your cock will twitch with excitement taking the garbage out. Things will happen for you if you “just do it”.
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Tintin –
The best hypnosis video I have listened to so far.
Rosana, you are mesmerizing !
Aaron Arron1994 –
It is very nice and comfortable voice,
I liked it because I really want to help and serve any woman I meet her, Sometimes I feel that women are not human, but rather angels… they deserve all the good
Pekka Keto –
It made me realize that all women are better than me, and I must behave accordingly.
Neil –
A great soothing but authoritative voice en-forcing the Just Do It mind set. Mantra. Nice reward at the end.
Gia Son Nguyễn –
It makes me want to please every dominant women in the world.
Jiri –
Impressive, the construction of each session is thorough, the voice can effectively change color, after hearing I feel that I have deepened my submissiveness. For me, the final reward means overcoming the barrier I have had so far: that’s why I will repeat the video when I complete the first 30 days of membership, so as not to violate one condition that I comply with.
Johnni Pedersen –
Really helpful, and a great way of seeing things and a great way of being a better man for once girlfriend or wife or whatever, it has reenergize me when I feel tired after a long day at work. Just do it works
Throber –
I realized that the file made me realize what I was doing right and what I can do better for my wife. Need to listen more so the affect of hypnosys will take me deeper.
Johnny Nutteloos –
Pure perfection!
Delete –
My new mentality!
Rich not important –
veary diminating my favorate by far loved the whole tone
Hallo Ali –
I did it
I start today. I feel better.
Maxi Milian –
Very exciting inspiration to change some things!
Steve Banus –
I did it!
Lara M –
Good boy!
David Ga –
It makes me want to please every dominant women in the world.
Rolf Wirkki –
I did it! I feels so good to obey! Making women happy is exciting!!!
Dulo Tiny –
This is my favorite
Peter Christian –
This audio session was a revalation. I recognized that despite my feeling thst I am a good, likeable, and caring guy, deep down at the core my motivation in being nice and supportive was to fulfill my sexual desires. Starting now I will be supportive and helpful to all women without expectation. I know at first this will be difficult to accomplish as it is a long and almost subconscious habit.. But with practice and persistence I know I csn become a truly submissive male that Just Does It.
Ffenics Draig –
I did it and I’ll I do anything else you ask me to.
Jay Twammy –
Wow. This file in particular saved my marriage and changed my life. Too often I would procrastinate and let things slide in live, in particular my relationship with my wife. I came across femdomtraining.ca and previewed some of the files. I decided to email Olivia and Lara and boy am I glad I did because I wanted to learn more. I dove right in as I must be a natural submissive. I started by cleaning the garage, the laundry room, then the whole house. Started cooking the meals and I was loving it and so was my wife.
My wife approached me and asked “what is going on with you?”
All I said was hon, you work really hard so I wanted to just help some to make things just a little easier for you.
I asked “am I creeping you out?”
She said “a little”.
I replied “I can stop if you want?”
Wife replies “No, it’s Ok, I’ll get used to it.”
I knew then she was hooked and loving my new behavior.
A little while later I let her know I was taking submissive training online. Hypnosis files, affirmations, no masturbation as my orgasms belonged to her now. She was intrigued.
Wow, at the end of that week we had amazing sex. Of course it started with me bringing her to an orgasm orally. She literally exploded like never before.
It’s been about 6 weeks since I started training and we are we are in such a great place.
So happy I found this site as it saved my marriage.
Love all the files, but just do it is a must.
Sean Vasip –
I did it, thank you very much for the conditioning.
MB –
This is really good. I respect content that positively reinforces good/right behaviour in an ethical way, notwithstanding it being femdom hypno an’ all. So if you’re cautious-curious, then this is safe to melt into. 5/5 (doesn’t look like scoring is working on my browser)
Bartje Barends –
Nice story’s, beautifull voice you have Rosanna! I really want to please women, but I don’t want to be a slave. Women in general are much more beautifull and bettter in mental and social aspect. But still everybody is equal.
I know many men (me included) are not good for women, in our culture. I want to pay them back. Well deserved. That’s my motivation. And being humble maken me hard, perhaps I do this for myself too.
Bartje Barends –
And YES I did it, thinking all the women i want to lick there body’s and pussy’s to heaven
jake skrav –
greetings this file is so effective. i did it. so thank you
Raj Kapoor –
I did it. But i don’t find any women
Miguel Pérez –
and yes I did it all, thank you god
Fuckme –
A very interesting file wich does help to open your mind and you do the thing any women does ask
Howie Dewitt –
Sent me deep and had me saying “Just do it!” throughout my day.
Dennis Irwin –
Totally Awesome Training. I now realize, understand And completely accept that my only purpose in life is to serve Women. This is the path to true happiness. I love to serve Women.
Thank you Rosanna for giving me this realization.
Max M. –
My very favorite. I will try to learn.
Max M. –
I will try to learn.
Jamie Rogers –
I am new to the site, just starting to work my around. I’m glad I found this one early. I mean I have all my kinks and fetishes. And the websites touches mine and more. This file though makes it so clear my submission is not about getting those all met. It’s my attitude as a servant that matters. The rest is up to her for as she wishes. Me being a servant to the women around me. What a proper antitote to so much on the web feeding we men what we think we want to jerk off and think she is there to meet our selfish fantasies. Thank you Ms. Rosanna!
John Murfee –
Rosanna, great work…I was & am taking to a new while listening to you. Thank you for being amazing!! Just doing it!! Yes, great moto to live by, to aspire to be the best sub I can be. Freedom encapsulated within the choices of her leading/dominance.
I look forward to going deeper.
Kevi –
Excellent, great intro with explanations. A better way indeed.
Throber –
Rosana, I will JustDoIt from now on; listen, serve, obey, and enjoy. Thank YOU!