Susan’s Bitch Boy Homework Assignments.
This is the first file EVER for any site that is like this. It is participatory. It is challenging. It will make you find out how serious you are for your love of the femdom fetish. This is not a hypnosis file, it is a do things while you are listening to the file. It is accountability for doing the homework. It is true obedience training. It is everything a submissive male wants from a dominant woman. Are you ready to do your homework? You better be.
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Hypnosis length 29 minutes 22 seconds.
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Jack B –
Wow! I was challenged and loved te assignment work deeply. Now to do my homework.
Give Susan a 5.0
Lukas Babic –
It showsclearly where your boundaries are. Some you can break som you cant, but it would show you where you mjst work on yourself
Mike Kelly –
Excellent recording by Susan. Everything I’ve heard by Her is fantastic
Jamie Rogers –
This was a challenging file, but so worth it. Though I know I’m a submissive man, I also have way too much male ego that can get in the way. This was an excellent tool. Task 3 is done, I’m into Task 1 and then Task 2 tomorrow. Thank you Susan for putting us to work, getting us male bitches doing what we ought to be doing.
ben alfred –
it was really nice
Ron –
This was a wild file I loved how it pushed me to go further
Sam –
I had to challenge myself a bit for doing this but I did it. I wasn’t able to say no to Susan’s voice. It was fun too on top of pushing myself a bit
Submissive Husband –
Thank you for great bitch asigment!!!
I dont had the posibillity to by my self a dilldo yet because my Wife is in charge of our money and she has said no to me about more money spending this month. Please forgive me for that Goddess Susan!!!
But I used my finger with oil instead of dilldo in my ass and my wife’s used sanitary pads/menstrual pads and used panties as gagg.
Gary Wallis –
This was a really fun file and I enjoyed the assignments, but I was hoping there would be more released in this format. A monthly homework assignment would be nice, but I know it’s a lot of work. Maybe Susan can come up with a Part 2 some time in the near future. Thanks!
Jan Jen –
I hope there are more files like that, to do style, because we need to be reminded physically of our place and how to follow commands as told, thank you mistress