By: Timothy

Becca, my girlfriend must have read you because she has done almost all of what is in your stories to me…she even had sex three nights in a row with three different men and then had me over early the fourth day…she laid on her “Queen’s lounge chair” legs spread ordering me to do a major clean up…a clean up that even she could not believe my enthusiasm for! Timothy-NY By: Timothy The Ultimate Male Chastity Key Holding Experience

By |2019-09-16T08:59:31-07:00September 16th, 2019|Categories: Cuckolding|Tags: |0 Comments

By: becca

The audio is available to my Patreon supporters. You can download all the files if you support at the audio tier. They come in the MP3 format. By: becca

By |2019-03-09T12:02:46-08:00March 9th, 2019|Categories: Cuckolding|Tags: |0 Comments

Zero vanilla time = extreme lifestyle?

I cover this topic in my BDSM Manual but I thought I would post about it firstly, because the greater number of lifestyle couples I learn about, the more interested in the topic I become, and secondly…………. you will read later on in the post. When a couple are in a Femdom relationship, it seems to me that the most major determinant of how extreme is that relationship, is how much the Domme enjoys the vanilla company of their sub as a supplement to her enforcing, full-on BDSM activity time. I know I am thought of by many as an extreme lifestyle Domme, but I don’t think I am. The reason I don’t is the considerable number of activities in which I want bitch-boy’s vanilla company, not slave company. Dining out and [...]

Those Innate Drives- Good and Bad

So humans are born with powerful drives already installed. For males that drive to make offspring has handily morphed into the more simple drive to orgasm, (without another human present if that is the only option when the drive kicks in). Two or three times a day if many of them could. So control those orgasms and control the man, torture the man, humiliate the man. Females have a drive for orgasms derived only from the endorphins pleasure the orgasms bring, so can do without for periods of time with rather more decorum than males. (I can see no female drive for sexual pleasure linked to any drive to have babies, just saying.) Obviously there is the bad drive for consuming calories, not helpful! [...]

Her body is a work of art!!!

Her body is a work of art!!! Source: Cuckold Fascination Her body is a work of art!!! #femdomhypnosis #femdomtraining #malesubmissivetraining #femaledominancetraining #femdomhusbandtraining

seemeviewme: REBLOG if you want to see more of my super wet…

seemeviewme: REBLOG if you want to see more of my super wet pussy!! You. Look. DELICIOUS!!! Source: Cuckold Fascination seemeviewme: REBLOG if you want to see more of my super wet... #femdomhypnosis #femdomtraining #malesubmissivetraining #femaledominancetraining #femdomhusbandtraining

seemeviewme: watchmeblow: Every minute, every hour, and every…

seemeviewme: watchmeblow: Every minute, every hour, and every second of every day..even after all this time Waiting for my someone. He knows who he is….just need him to come back to me. @seemeviewme he must be a VERY fortunate man to have someone as special as you in his life! Source: Cuckold Fascination seemeviewme: watchmeblow: Every minute, every hour, and every... #femdomhypnosis #femdomtraining #malesubmissivetraining #femaledominancetraining #femdomhusbandtraining

seemeviewme: What do you wanna do to my tits….. Message me and…

seemeviewme: What do you wanna do to my tits….. Message me and REBLOG!!! I want to worship, celebrate, and share your magnificent breasts! Absolute perfection! Source: Cuckold Fascination seemeviewme: What do you wanna do to my tits….. Message me and... #femdomhypnosis #femdomtraining #malesubmissivetraining #femaledominancetraining #femdomhusbandtraining


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