By Becky Hall|2018-03-15T10:39:51-07:00June 22nd, 2016|Categories: Female Led Marriage|Tags: female dominance in relationships, female led households, female led marriage, female led relationship, female led relationship discipline, female led relationship groups, flr, flr articles, flr blog, flr relationship, flr relationship training, flr training, flr training site, training flr, wife led marriage|0 Comments
Better sex
Female led marriage will lead to better sex. You will be more attentive. She will know just how much you can take, to extend love making beyond your wildest dream.
Momentous occasion #7
He discovers his dominant wife can be quite the pleaser
Momentous occasion #6
He discovers another woman can wear a cock and please his wife just as well... If not better
Momentous occasion #5
He discovers watching his wife is very arousing... And that another's tongue can do the same job
Momentous occasion #4
The much sought after threesome... Perhaps a different variety, though.
Momentous occasion #3
He discovers tits rubbing on his back and moaning in his ears makes his cock hard
Momentous occasion #2
He discovers he can last longer and extend your pleasure with a strap on