The little things

Sometimes its the little things that give such pleasure. A) I am exercising a lot lately and in these summer temperatures, rivulets of sweat run down my flat stomach. Its a little thing, but when I have finished my exercise for the day, I adore having bitch-boy kneel for 30 seconds and lick all the salty sweat from my stomach. B) One of the nettle stems I used to whip bitch-boy’s hard little clitty with yesterday delivered AMAZINGLY painful stings. That was obvious! Just a delight that out of the blue, I had an especially spiteful piece of mother nature to apply. (It seems the particular nettle was a new growth on an old stem that had itself been cut before flowers formed.) Source: Ms Scarlet The [...]

Does the job? Third and last on this!

Thank you to all those still commenting on this issue and I apologise if you have made a comment that I have not taken on. Obviously, in the end, I have to go with my gut feelings and research. However I am seriously grateful for every comment, a huge thank you to you all. I am sure I am wearing thin your patience so this is the last time I will post on this subject and below is the manual cover I think I am settling on. If we can facilitate one non-dominant, (partner of a submissive), become a dominant partner of that submissive, we will have made the world a better place.       Source: Ms Scarlet Does the job? Third and last on [...]

Does the job? part 2

Firstly a huge thank you to all those who left a comment on my previous post. So wonderfully helpful, I thank every one of you. And thank you to those who have generously offered to help. I may yet take up such a offer. I have not published any comments as some requested I did not do so. For the record, nothing in the image in the last post was photo-shopped. It was a boutique hotel room with my BDSM equipment and my shoes and one of bitch-boy’s older maid’s outfits. HOWEVER the image is DUMPED! Those who commented that the equipment could scare away a novice dominant and also the setting was fantasy and not a real home, so again could mislead a novice dominant, [...]

Does the job?

Here is an idea for the cover for my shamefully overdue manual, which is receiving its final proof reading at the moment. (The manual is of over 115,000 words. Over 160 A4 pages, font size 10.) I am, dear blog followers, looking for constructive comments on the cover. I fear the cover is quite important. Link to my already published real life journals and short stories. Source: Ms Scarlet Does the job?

A shaming exchange at least every two minutes

Well as a result of my new found daily freedom, poor bitch-boy has, among other things (lots of nettle use on his clitty, T&D, sensory deprivation bondage, etc.), found himself colouring-in with his dolly for many, many hours. While I read, undertake a craft past time, watch TV, talk on the phone, etc. I realised that I have never provided an update on the two minute timer, so I do now. It is a huge success! A reminder of the use of the timer can be found in the link above. bitch-boy learned early that failing to ask dolly if he should keep using the same colour before the sand runs out was a mistake! Governess Lexi and I were on the sofa chatting [...]

Shall I , shant I?

Well my last post did produce a huge response and I have to say I was surprised at the diametrically opposed conflicting views. Some people warning that they would no longer hold me in high esteem if I undertook a phone service for submissives, many people asking I let them know immediately I start such a service because they would be first in line. But all seemingly agreeing that demand would be huge. Those who felt it demeaning for me to become a ‘sex worker’ felt however that providing a mentoring service for Dommes would be acceptable. (I do have a problem with disrespect for sex workers who are in charge of their own lives. They provide a service for which there is a [...]

Me providing telephone domination?

Now that I have lots of time I am thinking of providing telephone domination (for a fee). Not sure how to get into it, but I imagine it could be quite pleasurable. Perhaps through instant messaging or SKYPE as well. I do wonder though if there would be a demand for me to do so?   Source: Ms Scarlet Me providing telephone domination?

So in awe, they endure all and can’t face leaving

A strong theme in one section of my manual, (to be published later this month I promise), may be controversial. I suggest, and set out how, the dominant ‘satisfies’ the ‘needs’ of the submissive. I imagine there may be dominants, and perhaps even submissives, who in response cry, ‘Hold on, the dominant should be able to do what they want – not be caring about the submissive’s ‘needs’!’ Well, I am not making this proposition out of altruism. I am making it out of selfishness. I believe the ultimate position for the dominant is to have a submissive so in awe that they could not bear the prospect of leaving the dominant, even though they endure a huge amount that they really dislike. So the dominant [...]

Very STINGING Nettles

Well I have to say, judging by bitch-boy’s reactions, the stinging nettles at this time, (quite tall, big leaves, no flower buds yet), are VERY, VERY effective and clearly produce considerable pain that has an initial agonising hit of about ten minutes, but then continues to be highly uncomfortable for over 4 hours. I have not needed the sunglasses pouch. Just the nettles blanket and a bit of whipping with the nettles to that little sensitive organ, (which becomes hard knowing what is in store if it does get hard), and his sobbing is a delight. A serious turn-on for me. And since the mirror was installed bitch-boy gets to see exactly what I am doing, how relaxed I am and the merciless expression on my dedicated face. [...]

Enforced hormone treatment for sissies

One of my very favourite on-line stores, Birch Place Shop, sent me an email alert to a new range of products and clothing they are selling. Included in the selection was L.D.B. Estrogen Pills. The results of taking the pills include: Skin firming and tightening the skin – smooth and soft, Enhanced breasts, More slender limbs, Wider hips, Decreased testosterone. I know some males who long to look like females would love to take these pills, BUT, how frightening for a reluctant sissy, like bitch-boy, who hates being a sissy and dearly would like to be a man all the time! I thought, fellow Domme sisters, that it would be very amusing to buy a bottle of the pills.  When they arrive and unbeknown to him, [...]