Wicca para Iniciantes

Considerada uma das mais fascinantes e controversas formas de ritual mágico do ocidente, a magia enochiana foi revelada por um grupo de seres espirituais ao dr. John Dee, por volta de 1500. Apesar de a bruxaria tradicional, ao longo de seus estimados mais de 20.000 anos de existência, ter vindo absorvendo elementos estranhos a suas raízes ancestrais, sendo uma religião viva e que evolui continuamente, seu eixo elementary é bastante distinto do da bruxaria moderna, pois Gardner não apenas adotou novos elementos, mas tornou alguns destes em bases fundamentais da feitiçaria , amalgamando de forma indissolúvel que teria aprendido como iniciado na bruxaria tradicional com conhecimentos adquiridos junto ao druidismo e conceitos de origem claramente oriental. LdS também é conhecido como livro [...]

By |2018-02-12T21:16:37-08:00February 12th, 2018|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments

abattheroll: The sooner the better!  Better for all of us..

abattheroll: The sooner the better!  Better for all of us.. Source: Women Goddess abattheroll: The sooner the better!  Better for all of us.. #femdomhypnosis #femdomtraining #malesubmissivetraining #femaledominancetraining #femdomhusbandtraining

By |2018-02-01T11:16:31-08:00February 1st, 2018|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments

One hundred years ago women could not even vote and very few…

One hundred years ago women could not even vote and very few were being educated. I suspect that in less than a hundred years from now, women will be running our society and  The future is undoubtedly female. The interesting thought is how long women will tolerate male existence, even as slaves. Source: Women Goddess One hundred years ago women could not even vote and very few... #femdomhypnosis #femdomtraining #malesubmissivetraining #femaledominancetraining #femdomhusbandtraining

By |2018-01-21T15:17:22-08:00January 21st, 2018|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments

Book of the Week: Imagining a future where women are the oppressors

Book of the Week: Imagining a future where women are the oppressors: Andra Jenkin reviews The Power, a wildly successful feminist sci-fi novel which imagines a world where women are in control. Naomi Alderman’s The Power is speculative fiction set in a future and based on the fascinating premise that women are suddenly able to inflict pain and death at will.  Source: Women Goddess Book of the Week: Imagining a future where women are the oppressors #femdomhypnosis #femdomtraining #malesubmissivetraining #femaledominancetraining #femdomhusbandtraining

By |2018-01-21T15:17:31-08:00January 18th, 2018|Categories: For Women|Tags: |0 Comments