#Service4Pearl: Worst Response To Ad So Far

The inbox responses came in at a steady trickle, and alongside a few awesome guys, a few fine but not a good match guys, there’s always a few that just make you shake your head. I don’t need to tell you “don’t be that guy”, if you are reading this you are generally able to understand why that guy is stupid and obnoxious. This is being shared purely because it’s the usual almost entirely out of left field, completely absurd weirdness that shows up in our inbox from time to time has the saving grace that it’s often so weird as to be funny. Hi Amazing Lady !Did you find your perfect sub/slave/toys?you are truly an dream! I wish I can meet a [...]

Teaching Consent: Children

Teaching Consent: Children Can consent really be taught? As the mother of a newly minted teenage boy, I often think about this. How can we teach our children abut consent when so many adult don’t even truly grasp the importance of it? Why is it such a challenge for people to understand consent? Are we so preoccupied with our own emotions, desires, wants, that we neglect the other people around us? In a world where you can get just about anything you want, and usually almost instantaneously, is it any surprise that consent is never really discussed? Teaching consent to children is a challenge. We are constantly forcing them into situation in which they have little or no control. There are [...]

#Service4Pearl: In Which I Post An Ad For A Service Sub

So I’ve decided to explore service as a kink. Specifically, I’ve been thinking about a fussy kind of valet/maid scenario, more Downton Abbey than anything more explicitly fetish. Wildcard is not a service submissive, being more of a bedroom sub, or as I often put it, strictly decorative. So, after discussing the matter with him and giving it more thought than is probably even reasonable, I composed and ad and posted it up on fetlife. I’m looking more for a shorter term arrangement, and not a secondary relationship- basically a friend who wants to experiment and not a full time sub. I have a very clear picture in my mind of what I want, and a long list of things I don’t like. [...]

Dealing with Misogyny

Dealing with Misogyny I spent the day researching this piece. It was actually going to be in my healthy living blog, as just a general, don’t let sexism stop you in your pursuits sort of piece. As I researched, as I typed in a series of key world relating to misogyny, martial arts, gyms, feminism, etc, I was horrified at the results. Forum posts of men complaining that women who complain are “whales or fugly,” women having their queries shot down by men saying they had no place in MMA (MMA was a popular topic in my searches). How should a woman respond? I will give you some context for why this piece even came about. In my dojo, and [...]

Sister milks then spanks

Had my sister Sue over the other day. When she called and we set it up she asked me if she could spank david as she had not spanked anybody, either sex, for some time. Of course she can! I reminded her that she need not even ask. She can pop by anytime and redden his rump as she has full spanking privileges on him.I mentioned casually to david that Sue was coming over and wanted to put him across her knee. david can't hide his excitement at the prospect of my sexy sister spanking him!She arrived and we did our usual things. When the time came around she started the proceedings by saying she was just dying to redden a backside, and [...]

Husband Severely Switched by Trainer

My husband got himself severely switched by his trainer the other day. This is what led up to it. We had just spent a week of pseudo-vacation at the summer cabin. There were lots of other people around and so we could not play much. But I did take him into the woods on the last day, just he and I, for a little "walk".When we were some ways off the dirt road into the forest I made him strip bare naked. I'm totally dressed with my hiking shoes, jeans, T-shirt, and he is totally bare as a little bunny. He was very nervous to be doing this for fear of discovery. I stood there just watching him as he squirmed, saying nothing. [...]

Femdom Problems: Being a Dominatrix VS Getting What You Want

I browse reddit when I’m bored, and this comment thread came up on /r/relationships from a user (reluctantmistress) with a pretty classic problem that happens more often than I’d like in femdom: the guy who can only understand his own needs, so a loving and indulgent woman who actually enjoys it gets overwhelmed with service topping to fit into his ideal dominatrix. I met my boyfriend, Pat, when we were both in college. We were originally FWB, then realized that we wanted more. We started seeing each other seriously, and have lived together pretty happily for 3 years. We are best friends. We can talk about anything with each other, and we have helped eachother through a lot of tough times. After we had been [...]

My Daddy Fantasies

I've mentioned it before on my blog, but I do have some "Daddy" fantasies when it comes to domming males. This post will be about some of those. If you're grossed out already, stop reading now!!The other day I had to punish lill jo with a session of corner time. He eventually got it done. In fact, his video is playing in the corner of my screen right now. He has baggy track pants and top on (for quick cover up in case his grown daughter walks in on him). There he just pulled the bottoms down to beneath his butt revealing that he's wearing frilly pink panties visible under a short plaid schoolgirl skirt. He's pinning up the skirt. Good girl. Now [...]

Summertime – Wandering Eyes – Hot Bottom!

It's definitely summertime here in Canada, creating more challenges for boys to keep their eyes in their own heads. I was in the car with my husband driving downtown. We were stopped at a streetlight and a young woman showing a lot of cleavage was crossing in front of us.It was not actually Megan Fox,But same idea.david's eyes zeroed in on her breasts, and his head turned following them. She crossed in front of us, past the other lane, and turned left on the opposite sidewalk. My husband's head followed her entire progress. The light turned green but he was still looking. He got a honk from the car behind, and abruptly looked forward and started driving."Really?" I said."Oh. ha ha. sorry..." he [...]

Fuck Her Right in the Pussy

There was an Internet meme a while ago, "fuck her right in the pussy" where guys would interrupt (for the most part) female news announcers when they were on camera and blurt out "Fuck her right in the Pussy!" It seems to have died down now, and perhaps the following story is a reason why.A Toronto TV station, CITY TV, news correspondent Shauna Hunt: "I had intoxicated men yelling it at me. I was interrupted during interviews and was anxious about going live. I felt like a piece of meat. I had reached my limit, and it was time to push back." This happened to her multiple times every day, and when she was interviewing fans at a Toronto soccer game she had her [...]