20 points to keep in mind as a Sissy 🌹

1. Be happy and pleasant.

2. Be polite.

3. Show respect.

4. Be graceful and feminine.

5. Never talk back.

6. Listen more than you talk.

7. Nod your head when He talks.

8. Never contradict Him.

9. Smile.

10. Agree with Him.

11. Ask Him for permission.

12. Don’t be selfish.

13. Ask for His opinion.

14. Be obedient and compliant.

15. Think of Him, not yourself.

16. Ask yourself what He would want.

17. Make Him happy – always.

18. Be cute and fuckable.

19. Be well groomed.

20. You’re an object – His object.


Source: Sissy Training

20 points to keep in mind as a Sissy 🌹1. Be happy and pleasant.2. Be polite. 3. Show respect. 4. Be…

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