Amazingly, despite my BDSM manual flying off the shelves at Amazon and Lulu, and great feedback via comments on my blog, the manual has only now received its first review on Amazon. This is on Amazon UK. I am very pleased with this 5 star review.
Packed with useful advice and suggestions for establishing and evolving a mature and satisfying D/s relationship from someone with long real life experience. Her often fiendish, and yet thrilling scenarios for controlling and subjugating a submissive partner are imaginative and inspiring. As a submissive male with an inexperienced (but determined!) dominant Wife, we are finding much material in the manual to help us on our journey to Her stated intention of absolute control of me. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone on this path.
My only minor niggle, as a grammar and spelling pedant, is that the book would have benefitted from some more proof reading before publication.
I must admit although I pride myself on my grammar, every time I undertook a draft read through the draft manual, I just kept adding more material. It had to stop! What a very lucky submissive the kind reviewer is to have a determined wife whose stated intention is absolute control of him!
For any of you who have read the manual and have queries or seek clarifications, please leave a comment here on the blog for me to answer. If I have helped a few couples form a solid and long lasting relationship based on submission and dominance I will be satisfied and proud.
LINK to my published journals.
LINK to my published BDSM manual
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