Modesty Ablaze Latrine1

“It means ‘behind the dormitory’ … and it was the Latrine for the Monks to use”
I explained in my best tour-guide voice.

Modesty Ablaze Latrine2

“Of course it had drains! The gutter would have run down the middle here
… one would just have to crouch with feet either side!”

Modesty Ablaze Latrine3

“Yes, I’m sure they would have had to open their robes like this!” I said.
“They couldn’t have just ‘lifted them a bit’ … they’d get them all wet down the front and around the ankles, silly!!!”

There’s bound to be lots of other fun explorations at this week’s Sinful Sunday, just “tap” the lips below.

Sinful Sunday

As I already have Public Toilets” as a location at my Scavenger Hunt collection I thought I would add this, rather older discovery, to
my Exposé Vŭ pages instead.

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

The post A Modest Necessarium … #sinfulsunday appeared first on Modesty Ablaze.

A Modest Necessarium … #sinfulsunday

The Ultimate Male Chastity Key Holding Experience

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