[continued from part 1]
In which a husband backtalks his wife regarding corner time and lives to regret it.
Here is another inspiring illustration by the artist Sardax.
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https://www.sardax.com/ |
Can you imagine anything more humiliating for a husband? His mother-in-law “popping by” at such an unfortunate time for him, just in the midst of him being punished by his wife? But from the expression on Mom’s face, nothing new, obviously, except that she had not yet seen him in his darling lingerie she had heard so much about. The hairbrush in the wife’s hand, do you imagine she was just brushing her hair, just then? I don’t think so. I think Mom walked in at the worst possible time for him, right at the end of his timeout, so he was not spared her seeing that, but just before going over his wife’s knee for a strict hairbrush spanking where he will be made to kick and cry just like the girl he is dressed as. Mom will of course stay and watch the show.
The timeout depicted above is not dissimilar to what I required my husband david to perform after he angered me.
He needed to get up early for work and so he weighed himself and dressed himself in the bathroom. I was still in bed as he was leaving. He thought I was asleep.
“Show me…” I said.
He unfastened his pants and lowered them a bit. He had on his little white panty.
“How’s the weight,” I asked?
“All good,” he said.
“Good boy,” I said and rolled over and went back to sleep.
We ordered out for food that night with Uber Eats. Very nice.
After dinner I told him to strip to his panties and go to the timeout wall. Timeout is deliberately in a more public part of the house: the living room near an exterior window.
I love the position for timeout chosen by this man’s wife in the above photo. He is well-encouraged to keep himself pressed up against that wall, isn’t he? Especially he would not want any of the neighbors seeing his marked up bottom – that makes it even worse. But a good way to impart a lesson. Would any woman be offended seeing another woman’s husband dealt with like that? Zero women would be offended seeing that, and ask only what he did to deserve it.
My husband complained, “can’t we skip that today?” he whined. He really disliked “boring” timeout.
“No. Timeout. Now. Go.”
“How long?” he asked with a moan in his voice.
“Longer now,” I told him, shaking my head.
He went to timeout as he was told and glued his nose to the wall. I did not start the timer yet. I needed to nip this disobedience in the bud. I was not to be trifled with. I decided his timeout would be both longer and more uncomfortable as a result of his backtalk.
I went upstairs to fetch the same restraints that June had used. The velcro wrist straps with the buckles to fasten his hands behind his back, the belt to fasten his ankles together, and I added a ball gag and his bra and falsies. I brought all that downstairs.
I pulled him away from the wall, had him kneel, and put the ball gag tightly on him. I then stood him up, put his bra on him, and put in his inserts to fill him out to a nice cup size (technically DD, but given his large frame, more the appearance of a C-cup on a normal sized lady). I pushed him back up against the wall, mashing his tits. Then I put him into his wrist restraints, brought his wrists behind his back, and fastened them together. Finally I knelt down at his feet and tied his ankles together tightly with the belt. I made him hop back a few paces. I retrieved a packing box with some stuff in it and placed it against the wall. I made him hop so that his toes were against the box. I took a large coin and put it against the wall and told him to hold it there with his nose. Quite similar to the Sardax image.
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https://www.sardax.com/ |
If the coin dropped, I warned him, I would give him a spanking, and then he would restart his timeout from the beginning, and he would still have his real spanking coming. He knows I’m serious about that from previous experience.
With his feet away from the wall, his nose against the wall, and no use of his hands, he was in a very awkward situation with his butt stuck far out, his back arched, and his weight pushing into his nose. With the ball-gag combined with his nose pushed so into the wall, his breathing was laboured. This was a real punishment timeout!
“I’m setting the timer for 20 minutes this time, david, five more than yesterday, starting now. As you’re standing there I want you to compare today’s timeout to yesterday’s, and ask yourself why today’s is so different. You think on that, and then depending on your decisions tomorrow we can either go back to the old way, or continue doing it this way. Entirely your choice, sweetheart.”
I watched his full twenty-minute timeout. After the first five minutes his knees were shaking and his ass was wiggling, but the coin stayed up. “Fifteen more minutes,” I told him. I heard a groan-like sound through his ball gag. “Ten more minutes.” For the last ten minutes he was sweating badly, and shaking. “Five more minutes.” he was groaning and moaning. “And time,” I said as the alarm went off. I had him drop the coin into my waiting hand and I helped him to stand straight and turn to face away from the wall.
He looked very pathetic standing there, sweating, wriggling in pain, facing me in his skimpy little panty jammed up his crack and with his balls hanging out, hands bound behind his back, ankles bound tightly together, and ball-gagged.
For all you discipline freaks out there, a timeout like this is nasty, and is an excellent “for real” behavioral deterrent in an otherwise kinky relationship. I knew he would go right into timeout, lickety-split, when told to for the rest of the week. Kinky punishment can be fun and sexy, but this was something apart that he had no desire to experience again!
I put his spanking chair in the middle of the living room and collected the hairbrush I keep nearby. I sat on the chair and beckoned him over. He had to hop, hop, hop to get to me, the little bunny. I spread my legs and he first sunk to his knees, and then toppled himself over my left knee. His hands were still bound behind him so he was very awkward. I hiked him up higher onto my left knee and then clamped my right leg down on top of both of his legs. His head was dangling down towards the carpet. He was unable to support himself given his hands were restrained behind his back. I started rubbing the hairbrush across his cheeks. Bound and gagged as he was, and fully clamped down, he wasn’t going anywhere or saying anything.
This time I decided to keep his panty up, but I used the little string at the back as a handle and pulled it up deeper into his crack and held it there for his spanking. The spanking was fast and strict. Fifty strokes, alternating cheeks. By the end he was crying out into his ball gag and kicking his tied-together legs like a frantic mermaid to the extremely limited extent he could. There was literally no way out for him. He was completely under my power the entire time. I could have done anything to his ass. But I am a merciful wife, and stopped after 50 hard, blistering strokes just as I intended to.
When I was done I unfastened his wrists so that he could stand. I then took off his ball-gag and told him to sit on the floor and remove the belt from around his ankles.
He stood in front of me. His penis and testicles both hanging out of his panty.
“It was extremely unpleasant for me to have to give you timeout like that, david. Do you understand why I did it?”
“Yes ma’am,” he said.
“Why did I have to do it?” I asked.
“Because I back-talked you, ma’am,” he answered correctly.
“Yes. For your information, while you’re being panty trained I have zero tolerance for backtalk, do you get that?”
“Yes ma’am.”
“Will you be back-talking me tomorrow when I tell you to go into timeout?”
“No Ma’am!”
“Good. Now go up and wash your panties and then you may watch tv in the family room for a bit, but I want you bare for that. No red panties. No robe. Got it? Bare.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
“We won’t be having sex tonight, but tomorrow is Friday, and we’ll have sex then. I’m going to make you suck my cock, and then bend you over for bum sex. And we’ll be using Adam for all that. Do you want to take the opportunity now to complain at all about my choice of Adam for tomorrow night?”
“No ma’am.”
“Good girl.”
Three days in this was feeling much more 24×7 than I was used to, but I was enjoying my power trip! He was funny sitting there in front of his tv set, all bare like that and me with all my clothes on.
As he was watching tv, I phoned my sister Sue and told her roughly what we had been up to, including our meeting with June. I told her I had lots of pictures and she was dying to see. We arranged for her to come by Saturday evening for panty training and a picture show!
Friday morning was another good keto, fat, and weight day. david ‘s bum was still a bit rosy and he said it was sore and itchy which I enjoyed hearing. He put his little panty on again. He was getting to hate that little panty and the way it cut into his crotch and crack!
We had a dinner out that evening with friends and did not return until fairly late. I did tease him a bit during dinner. I whispered in his ear, “panties in a bunch?” He confirmed they were.
After we got home I more or less let him off the hook owing to the hour, making him only wash his panties before bed. When we were in bed I told him the good news and the bad news. The good news was that his promised sex with Adam was postponed until tomorrow. The “bad news” was that my sister was invited over tomorrow to help me panty train him. She would see him in his panty. Then he would setup a picture show for her on the big tv of all the photos I took during our time with June. Finally, after the picture show, she had agreed to take him over her knee for his spanking.
“Ummm… what about… sex, ma’am?” he asked.
I reached my hand over to him and his penis was hard. It was a treat for david to have my sister make an appearance. He has a big crush on the “two sisters” together. Ha ha! Given his excitement, I added that I would leave it up to Sue if she wished to watch david perform his wifely duties tomorrow with Adam or not.
[to be continued…]
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