Masturbation Month 2022 #2 (Link to Part One)

The cage felt good. That was a surprise. He sat there eating lunch at his desk and marveled at the sensation. Nice.

Frank was beside himself with thoughts that had nothing to do with his work. Sitting there picking at his lunch, he fidgeted. All the paperwork in front of him, as well as the food, might as well be invisible.

He needed a good fucking. Badly.

A couple of times in the last few weeks he asked Cynthia if they could pull out the strap-on and put it to use. He’d made it clear he was in need. But things got busy and the thorough fucking he kept dreaming about had yet to happen.

Then he found that story. Jesus Christ, that story! Just cruising around on Literotica and he found a gem, which didn’t happen often. In short, not only did it have pegging as a central theme, but a frilly apron thing that turned his crank, too.

And there was more! Along with the apron was the chastity aspect. There was a cock cage in the story, too. He and Cynthia had just a little experience with cock cages. A couple of years ago they bought one and experimented with it. He could tell it had possibilities, but they never fully committed. Or perhaps he hadn’t committed. In the past, Frank had shied away from the prospect of his cock locked up for more than a couple of hours. But what would it feel like to be locked up and fucked? The idea intrigued him. Why had he never thought of that?

Frank felt compelled to tell Cynthia about the story. It happened kind of round about. First, reluctant to offer any details, he simply asked to be locked up. Then with her usual attention to detail, Cynthia got the story out of him. That’s when the full fantasy Frank was obsessed with came out of him all in a rush.

Cynthia agreed to help him live out the fantasy! That was last night. Frank could hardly sleep; excitement thrummed through his body. So he got up once to jerk off in the bathroom, thinking that she’d lock him up the next day anyway, so he might as well have one last go at it. This morning she’d locked the cage on his cock, kissed him goodbye, and sent him off to work quite horny and distracted. He was beyond thrilled.

Meanwhile, there he sat, seriously locked up for the first time in his life. Sitting at his desk, he wondered what he’d gotten himself into. The weight of the metal cage was a serious presence between his legs. The way it held his cock felt good. It felt firm and snug, but not too tight. Only when he started to get hard thinking about doing the dishes after dinner….

The post At First it Felt Good appeared first on Ruby Ryder – Pegging Paradise.

At First it Felt Good

Dont be a cheap wimp go gold 15

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