Before, I get into the next phase of Thomas’s training, I want to point out something that I should have in the previous post. MK left a comment on my last post that reminded me that gags cause a lot of drool. Something I learned in researching what gag to buy was that drooling is actually what many dominants want as it adds to the humiliation of the sub. My goal with the training was not to cause Thomas to drool but was about having something forced into his mouth so that he could not talk. I also read that gags can be very uncomfortable and should not be worn for long periods of time. Many sites recommended no more than 20 minutes. This would not meet the needs of my training so I did not buy a traditional gag. Instead I bought the Tantus Beginner Ball Gag pictured below. This is a very small bag and so it was not painful to wear and caused minimal drool. The gag actually did not get rave reviews because of how small it was and many considered it not be a real gag.  However, it was perfect for what I wanted to accomplish.

Pacifier Conditioning

In my last post, I  shared how I used a small gag to train my husband at doing better with no talking on silent days.  I’ll refer to the next phase of his training as Pacifier Conditioning because the objective is to use a pacifier to remind and condition him not to talk on silent days. In addition to no talking on silent days, I also planned to use the pacifier to condition him to only speak to me with purpose or to compliment me or say things that are positive and uplifting. This would be a long-term permanent behavior change to teach him to never waste my time with useless information or information that I do not care about (you guys are good at spewing useless information to us). If you recall, in my last post I mentioned that I purchased 2 adult baby pacifiers – 1 blue pacifier and 1 pink pacifier.

I chose the next Saturday (after his gag training) to start the conditioning. After my coffee Saturday morning, I had him strip naked, put on his pink sissy panties, and kneel before me with his hands behind his back. I enjoy seeing him in this submissive position. I chose to use the pink pacifier because the baby girl theme added additional humiliation that I knew would get his arousal going. I ordered him to open his mouth and then I pushed it into his mouth. I let him know that similar to the gag, I was the only one allowed to remove it. I giggled seeing him with the pacifier and teased that he was my cute baby girl. I explained that the pacifier would be a regular part of his submissive life  going forward. On every silent day (or night) he would be required to wear the pacifier at the start of the day or night as a mental reminder of him to remain silent. I would decide when it would be removed and once removed it would be up to him to remain silent unless I asked him a direct question. If he spoke inappropriately the pacifier would go back in his mouth. This rule would be in effect forever, unless I decide otherwise. I also explained that if I felt the pacifier was being used too much, then I would go back to the ball gag training

I did not tell him yet about using the pacifier to condition him to be purposeful in what he says to me. We have talked about this concept in the past but I’ve never enforced it. I felt the pacifier would be a great method to enforce purposeful talking. However, I first wanted to condition him to not talk on silent days. I really enjoy taking a slow and methodological approach to training and conditioning him. It ensures he is trained properly and it is also exciting for him to have new trainings added over time. As he had confessed to me many years ago, slowly being molded and influenced by my feminine power was a huge erotic rush for him.

On that first Saturday, I had him wear the pacifier for about 40 minutes. I figured that was enough to get his mind focused on being silent.  I might add that his cock remained hard for most of that 40 minutes. He did good a good job being quiet the rest of the day. There was only one time where he forgot to be quiet and asked me a question. As soon as he asked the question, her realized his mistake and put his hand up to his mouth and said he was sorry. I smiled and said “too late.” I pulled the pacifier out of my pocket and pushed it into his mouth and sent him to kneel in the corner for 5 minutes. After corner time I again commented at how cute the baby girl pacifier looked in his mouth and that it matched his pink panties. His cock was hard again. lol! I made him keep it in for another 20 minutes. This type of conditioning with the pacifier has continued for the past few weeks and will continue without end. I’ve been implementing silent times at least once a week, either at night or on the weekend.

With the silent talking training done and the pacifier conditioning implemented, my last step was to implement the purposeful taking training. I chose to introduce this about three weeks after I first pushed the pink pacifier into his mouth. One night when my husband was rambling about work. After about 5 minutes of aimless talk, I shushed him and told him I did not want to hear anymore. Like a good boy, he immediately clammed up. I then had him follow me to the bedroom and kneel. I think he was surprised when I pulled out the blue pacifier and shoved it into mouth. I then gave him “the talk” about how he needs to learn to only talk to me about important things and things that add value to my life. I made it clear that I did want him to tell me if there was something of concern to him or if he needed to vent to me about something. That was important to me.  However, I instructed him that as a Goddess, I should not be bothered with aimless rambling. Going forward, I would use the pacifier to train and condition him to only speak with purpose. It would start with him having to wear the pacifier if I felt he was wasting my time. If he over time, he did not become better at speaking with purpose, in addition to him wearing a pacifier, a punishment would be added. He silently nodded that he understood and of course….his cock was bulging in his pants. I made him wear the pacifier for 30 minutes that night.

The pacifier conditioning has been a lot of fun for me. I found myself looking for opportunities to push it into his mouth because it was so much fun to silence him. I think one of the most surprising moments for him was when he was driving me to his parents house, He began rambling during the drive and I pulled the pacifier out of my purse and put it in his mouth. He was shocked that I had the pacifier with me. I think he was also a little embarrassed to be driving in public with a pacifier in his mouth. I had a good laugh and told him, “Don’t worry, it’s dark out. No one can see you.”

He is doing much better at being quiet on silent days.  Having the pacifier in his mouth at the start of the silent period, even it is for just 10 minutes, helps shift his mental state into silent mode, and if he starts to slip up, well then he’ll be wearing it longer. I also have him wear the pacifier sometimes when he massages me, just for fun. I enjoy putting it in his mouth and seeing him wearing it. I am also excited about the the longer-term conditioning of having him speak with purpose or to compliment me. I intend to eventually expand this to when he talks with other people. If I hear him rambling to others (especially females) or saying stupid or inappropriate things, then he will be wearing the pacifier on the ride home. I always keep one in my purse and I purchased another to store in the glove compartment of the car. This is a work in progress and I find it exciting that I am using my dominance to mold him. 

-Mz Kaylee.

Behavior Modification – Continued. Pacifier Training

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