I received some interesting feedback on Volume 10 of my journals. The commenter was very generous with his appreciation of the journal but also said that the journal entries are all about the more extreme days and weekends in my life. Which is true because I thought that is what my loyal followers wanted. However he said he would also like to know about the days that are not extreme. The days when I go off to work and bitch-boy works at home. What routines are followed and what rules are in force? So, I will include a full entry on this in Journal 11.

Since receiving this comment, I have been jotting down a list of what I will need to include, I have been amazed at how long the list is becoming. It includes:
The 24/7 chastity, Shoe worship while I put on my make-up before leaving for work, Kissing my shoes before I walk out of the front door when he receives his chores list for the day, Making my lunch, Cleaning my shoes/boots for that day, Making sure my toilet paper is written on, The replenishing regime, The tidying-up-after regime, Shaving my legs, pits and cunt, Morning T&D – me in my 6 inch heeled mules and see-thru dressing gown, His gardening/ yard work to my requirements, Housework / laundry, My spitting in his beverages and drinks morning and evening, Him licking the dripping sweat from my flat stomach after I exercise in the morning, Him kissing my shoes/boots when I get home from work, My orgasms from his tongue some mornings/evenings. Canings for punishment, Deterrent canings, Pedicures, Washing my hair, Dealing with all the utility companies, the banking and spam and junk mail, Preparing/serving evening meals, Wearing a padlocked on rubber collar if he has no business meetings, (It’s rubber so he can shower in it).

I was a bit amazed at the length of the list of things I was not really counting as being in a ‘DS session’.

Obviously in my Journal I will provide all the fine detail.


Source: Ms Scarlet


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