Delays As Usual

So I wanted to start my 30 Days of Domme Thoughts on October 1st. But as usual with my slightly unhappy body, I got sick. This time strep. Because I my history with rheumatic fever and heart disease there was no playing around. And because I handle medication so well (she says full of sarcasm and oozing contempt), I was pretty well useless for the ten plus days I have spent in bed.

All this to say that now my fever is gone, my sickness expelled from my physical existence and now I am ready to continue or rather start my Daily Domme Thoughts for the next 30 days. Some of my posts are planned and others, like this one are strung together when I feel the need to release something. Most of my planned posts never work out the way I initially set out to create. I am not sure what that says about my ability to commit… see now this post was about to become something about my commitment issues ?

All this to say that 30 Days of Domme Thoughts has begun with this post being Day One. My planned posts should prove both informative and entertaining, I am looking forward to sharing them. Also be sure that you are following #DommeThoughts as I will be adding in a few random thoughts throughout the month and beyond.

Is there a topic you would like to hear about? A Domme perspective or a truth from me in the coming month? Leave it in the comments or email me

À bientôt,

Ambre Jade

Also a quick shout out to those of you supporting Domme Thoughts by donating and sending tributes. Your contributions are both appreciated and important to the continuation of this site :)

Source: Domme Thoughts


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