All you have to do is login to the site.

Once logged in, there are a few different ways to access your files.

  1.  you can visit any product page from the product listing page and play your file straight from the product listing page. This way you can actually see with vivid detail and read about the file you are going to listen too. It makes it much easier to determine what you want to listen 2.
  2. If you do not want to stream the items and you wish to download them, you can visit the combo pack products and you will be able to download a zip file that has both the hypnosis file and day trainer it.

My personal suggestion to you would be to login and listen to them on the individual pages, because then you don’t have to fill your phone or computer up and you will always have access to these files. If you are going to listen to them from the product listing pages, then make sure you are connected to wifi, because this will use data. If you are not on wifi, then it would be advisable to do the download option.