Women Have Been Worshipped Throughout Time

female dominationUpon first entering the world of female domination, we are driven by tabooed instincts – so why are we surprised to discover that during ancient times, women were worshipped religiously? Were they worshipped as “sex objects”? On the contrary, women were worshipped through means and meanings. Perhaps a clue for Western civilization that is familiar, is the name: Kama Sutra, and few dare to read up on it. Having such a book on one’s coffee table… is equivalent to leaving a dildo on the bed except that Kama Sutra is not given the credit it deserves in Western society.

Even our liberal society retains hardcore censorship from its Sanskrit translations. Undeniably, the origins of Kama Sutra date around the same period of Judeo-Christian writings. How are they different? The answer is within a form of polarity between dogma and truth- or put more controversially: the Bible is considered more political. And many atheists dismiss the Bible for being written by men. However, Kama Sutra was also written by a man allegedly. Even so, there are many of us Westerners who feel more comfortable legitimizing Eastern philosophy these days. Take for example the rise in Buddhism. What has this got to do with BDSM or female domination or even forced chastity?

Female Domination Has Nothing To Do With Sex

The answer is the shear sexual empowerment of women. Wendy Doniger, a history professor in the University of Chicago explains in her book Redeeming The Kamasutra: “The Kamasutra is for women.” In the so called “sex dungeons,” female domination professionals state BDSM has nothing to do with sex. To discover the feminine mystique, we need only to look back in time at the traditions and culture of India and Nepal around 2000 years ago when Kama Sutra was written. Kali (the Hindu Goddess), is described as a beast mode or evolution of Goddess Warrior Durga who slays demons, riding a lion or tiger in battles. There are many variations of Kali depending on the region and time in SouthEast Asia.

In one tradition, the birth of Kali was said to have come when Durga went on a rampage and in her anger, Kali burst from Durga’s forehead while fighting a buffalo (because there was a demon inside the buffalo ). Notably, Kali was a black Goddess who ate demons and strung their heads on a chain necklace. Kali would not stop slaying demons, and she would go onto slaying any wrongdoers until Shiva (another amazing Hindu God) decided to lie down, and once Kali saw who she was standing, lost her rage. This just proves female domination has been around since ancient times and it will continue to proliferate in our civilization globally.

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