Well, Sissy Annabella is a hero. Sissy Annabella has provided OCR scanned material from the defunct hardcopy magazines I referred to in an earlier post. I have mountains on Suzette Faggot and some on Candy Floss and on Mary’s husband Pansy. For those older readers who read the material originally, I am sure you will not have remembered all the delicious detail. I hadn’t. And for those who have never read the material, what a treat is in store for you. Detailed accounts of REAL LIFE Female Domestic Tyranny. Wonderful women far crueller and far more exploitative than me!

I just have to work out how to publish the material once it had been suitably batched into each FDT woman’s account. (Obviously it will be bitch-boy’s job to do all the grunt work.) Perhaps a knowledgeable UK lawyer can tell me if a company which has gone out of business many years ago, (The original publishers Swish) retain any copyright?

Source: Ms Scarlet
