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“An obedient sissy husband is always grateful for the opportunity to plunge his hot, wet tongue deep inside his wife’s asshole, and when so commanded will comply instantly. It doesn’t matter if she is busy doing something else and isn’t really paying attention, or if she has a girlfriend with her whose anus also needs attention too. It doesn’t matter if she is smelly and drenched with perspiration from sex or exercise, or if she has just defecated, or if she has just finished having anal sex with a real man and his hot slippery semen is dripping from her asshole. It doesn’t even matter if the wife’s lover currently has his dick inside her. The well-trained inferior powder-puff cunt male will gladly lick his mistress’ asshole while the stud fucks her, without hesitation. If so instructed he will lick her bull’s asshole too, no question asked. The inferior sissy who truly knows his place does not dare complain if his wife pees on his face while he licks her asshole. He will do anything to please his goddess. For some cuckolded bitch slut husbands who are fortunate enough to be allowed occasional orgasms, the only time they are allowed to masturbate is when they are licking the shit from their wife’s anus. For many, this is the only time they are allowed to touch their wives at all.”

Source: Femdom Photos With Stories