Stay tuned. I have a very fun development upcoming!!!! Cannot wait to do it, and then, better yet, to blog about it!

woman dancing

My sister Sue was out for dinner and drinks with an old friend and her youngish partner (lesbians all – they’re gaining ground!). The young woman fairly recently graduated from university with a concentration in “Women and Gender Studies”. Sue’s friend is also very well educated. The three of them were sitting around and discussing “the patriarchy” (ha ha!). Sue mentioned she knew a person (me, but she did not indicate that at first) who keeps her man “in-line” using “ritualized kink”. The younger lady was incredulous and thought it was all bullshit engineered by the guy. Sue told her she should have an open mind, and if she was interested in a demonstration, she was pretty sure it could be arranged (that’s my sis!). They indicated some interest in seeing that (more prurient than academic I would imagine). So Sue texts me right then (this was last night)

Sue: hi
Me: hi
Sue: with two ladies. one’s an old friend, other is her partner – gender studies major
Me: nice
Sue: came up in conversation. have not let them know it’s you. they’d be interested in a “demonstration” of how you keep hubby in line. game?

I was sitting at the tv with david during the text conversation (we were catching up on “So You think You can Dance”). I showed him the text. He was definitely into it and excited by the prospect.

Me: hell’s yes! trustworthy?
Sue: yes, and I’ll set some ground rules
Me: cool. do I need to be tame, or anything goes?
Sue: i’ll find out. hold on…

I mean, Wow! Manna from heaven. A little bit later Sue is back to me on text.

Sue: anything goes. they watch only. no photos. sworn to secrecy.
Me: totally positive trustworthy?
Sure: 100%. Good?
Me: Good! david is nodding yes,yes,yes also!
Sue: great. you staying home this weekend?
Me: yup
Sue: hold on…
Sue: how is sat @4, your place?
Me Works! You’re brilliant!
Sue: done! talk tomorrow.
Me: woman dancing 1woman dancing 2woman dancing 3

So guess what? It’s on, baby! This Saturday! All three of them will be coming over and I will be putting my husband through his paces in front of them. Oh joy oh bliss!

david asked me what we were going to do. I had already thought about it. I told him that I will make up a little pretext for punishing him, and he’d get a spanking in front of them. Depending on how it goes, there might be more, a lot more, and he should be prepared for anything! He agreed and looked nervous, but happy. I told him it was ok for him to be a bit of a brat during his punishment, and I’d be sure to teach him his place!

I talked to Sue at noon today where I got a bit of the backstory above. The conversation with her friends that started it was around how difficult it was to change male social conditioning, which is where Sue said that was actually easy with the right male, and she knew somebody who knew how to do that.

So what’s even sweeter is that I will not even have to make up a pretext for his punishment, but david doesn’t yet know what I know, so I’ll hit him with a real misdeed instead of a pretext. david recently got a parking ticket that he must have “forgotten” to tell me about (I noticed the fine payment on the credit card transaction history) . Have not confronted him with that yet. Was going to use that for an upcoming scene, and here this thing comes along! Sweet!

I thought I would spank him for the parking ticket; but then, for failing to tell me about it, put him through some refresher “obedience training” (also if he’s a bit of a brat during the spanking, which he’s expected to be). I’ll explain my Gender Studies “theories” to the ladies: that it’s too difficult to change men’s conditioning, but much easier to have them assume the “traditional patriarchal societal female role” and behave in-line with that social conditioning. I think I need to publish my theories on that!

Unbeknownst to david, if all goes well, I intend to wind it up with him being sent to change into his bra and panties, and coming out for some “feminine obedience training” involving a strap-on dildo in his mouth and then up his well-spanked behind!

I am so excited!!!!
Source: Strict Julie
