bdsm goddess

For the creative, imaginative, playful person, the BDSM environment offers a field of inexhaustible possibilities. It allows the person to have an opportunity to think outside the box when they are exploring their fantasies. However, strict rules, codes and common practices remain the norm in the BDSM society. Having these rules and norms allows us to have fun with our partners and explore our kinky side safely. Below is a list of games that a BDSM Goddess and her submissive can enjoy and while letting their imaginations run wild.

Outdoor Submale Course

In this game, your submale must complete an obstacle course in the woods with stopping points throughout the course where he will have to complete tasks in order to move on. The BDSM Goddess will be at every stopping point to ensure he completes it. There will be all types of foliage on this path that will cause his skin to itch. At the end of the course, the BDSM Mistress will calm his irritated skin with a golden shower. The submale will be like new again.


This involves drawing a house with numbered boxes on it on the sidewalk. Your submale launches his chastity cage on a box and he hops to that box to get it. He does this until he reaches the roof of the house. He does all of this while hopping on one foot. The BDSM Goddess can make this more difficult for him by making him wear weights on his ankle or other types of restraints to make it harder for him to hop. This game will improve his flexibility, liveliness and accuracy.

Playing Doctor With The BDSM Mistress

Just like the classic board game Operation, the submale is laying down on a table with a red bulb on his nose that flashes with each of his untimely movements. You can use accessories such as pliers, electrostimulation devices, probes, spreaders, needles, etc on him. Each time the BDSM Goddess uses one of these accessories on her submale and he moves, the red bulb will light up and send a small shock throughout his body. A submissive in good health is a fulfilled submissive.

Trivial Pursuit

Just like the trivia game we grew up with, contestants are answering questions with varying degrees of difficulty. Each time the submale answers the question wrong, the BDSM Goddess punishes him accordingly with 3 lashes of her whip or paddle. This will keep his mind sharp or if he gets most of the answers wrong…a sore bottom.

Goddess Says

If you say “Goddess says,” followed by a specific order, the submale must immediately perform the action. He must react quickly and instinctively. If you give the order without saying, “Goddess says,” he must remain motionless. While this game is repetitive, it is highly effective. You can engage in some femdom humiliation and order him to wear a cock cage denying him of any pleasure until you decide when he receives pleasure or he can be your footrest while you comfortably sit on your couch watching tv enjoying a glass of wine.

Punishment Session

Restrain your submissive to the bed or if you have an attic or basement, chain him to the wall. Start by taking out all your favorite BDSM accessories (i.e. whipspaddles, floggers, riding crops, electrostimulation devices, nipple clamps) Number each accessory and order your submissive to pick two numbers: one number will be the number assigned to the accessory and the other number will be the amount of times you use it on him. Tell him he has to thank his BDSM Goddess after every use of the accessory or you will continue to use it on him no matter how much it hurts. This will awaken his senses and cause him to be more submissive to you.

In conclusion, here is a list of some of the games you can play with your submale that both of you will enjoy. Tap into your creative mind and you will be rewarded with endless amounts of fun.

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The post Games For A BDSM Goddess And Her Submale appeared first on Femdom BDSM Lifestyle Magazine.

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