I watched this delightful video on Tumblr and it gave me a thought. bitch-boy suffers a good deal of torture of his little penis. A great deal in fact. But 90% of that torture is when he is secured in his gynaecological stirrups on the BDSM bed and he therefore cannot see what is happening to his little clitty. He can only feel it.

Watching this video where the slave is actually watching the cool, calm, relaxed amused torturess at work, made me think how much worse that could make the torture. I could never forego the pleasure of torturing his little clitty while he is so very helplessly bound on the BDSM bed, but, (especially when double-domming or triple-domming), I think I will sometimes torture the pointless piece of grisle while bitch-boy is standing – his wrists secured behind his back. Nettles, the nettle pouch, pegs, perhaps even clips as in the video, the humble 12 inch ruler. I am so kind to want to make sure bitch-boy does not miss out on the full range of sensations.

Source: Ms Scarlet
