Anonymous asked: How was it when cuckolding was first brought up to you? The feeling I mean.

sexually, my last LTR and now my marriage with hubby were both with men who happened to have very very small penises and who also just “happened” to be really into humiliation as a kink.

hubby and I now joke that both him and the other man must have smelled some femdommy pheromone that even I didn’t know I was pumping out, at least not the first time. but I’m a Virgo and, I like to think, a very solution-oriented person, as well as being pretty progressive in terms of trying not to have a lot of Puritan shame sound sex of any kind, so I was ready to get creative with my first kinky subby-boi partner who showed me in earnest how tiny he was (we tried regular sex and I literally could feel him if I was wet at all) how he enjoyed being played with and particularly enjoyed helping me get off with toys – especially bigger toys – while I “denied” him and “abused” him, both physically and emotionally. he was such a fun and generous partner that I quickly began to enjoy my role in his kinks in my own right, until I could get really juicy and excited just doing things like slapping his face or hearing him beg for things from me. the fact that he was willing to invest all this money in buying me awesome toys didn’t hurt either.

that relationship ultimately didn’t work out, but it fundamentally changed my tastes sexually. part of what I liked abt hubby right away when I met him was that, not only was he smart and cute and brilliant and funny, but there was something very familiar abt the way he acted around me. hubby now says he sensed my “dommish-ness” right away and it MADE him act subby, but who knows.

the point is, by the time I actually saw hubby’s tiny little rock-hard pink penis, I felt very unsurprised, and even kind excited at getting to revisit that role. I was a little tired of just toys by then tho and had, in fact, had a very brief, almost exclusively physical relationship with a very physically impressive man in the interim, so I’d developed a taste for something a little different. hubby right away LOVED hearing abt my sex with this man and how much I enjoyed the way his body was and even how DIFFERENT his body was from hubby’s. I loved getting of on domming hubby in this way and feeling the thrill of controlling and (with consent) hurting another human being, but there was still this other missing piece. I had aspects of my sexuality that hubby – because of his nature and his body – literally couldn’t help me engage, a shortcoming that he LOVED talking about. and, ci realized, so did I.

so we talked and talked and talked until, the more we talked, the closer we both got to actually realizing that we both wanted the same thing. and so, the infamous search for the perfect bull began.

    Source: A Happy Cuckoldress


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