Well summer has finally arrived in Canada-land. My husband and I were outside cleaning up the patio. We had just bought a fancy new garden hose as our old one had sprung leaks. His job was to hook it up and figure out how it worked. Not so easy as it is an “X Hose”. First you turn on the water, and the hose expands. And then you flip a valve, and the water flows. Very complicated for a hose.

I was doing some planting and must have looked very hot and sweaty, so my darling, darling husband thought it would be “fun” to try out the new hose on me. He didn’t drench me or anything. It was just a quick squirt that caught me by surprise.

He wanted to play…

I threw down my gardening implements and chased after him. He gave me another little squirt as I came after him, but I managed to grab the hose from him with one hand, and grab him by his ear with the other.

I marched him into a corner of our small patio garden. “Strip!” I told him.

“Out here?” he complained, “Someone will see!”

“Good. Strip.” I said, pointing the hose at him as if it were a gun. It wasn’t serious. We were both giggling.

Our next door neighbors could theoretically see into our patio, but I didn’t think they were home (and so what if they were!). The patio garden opens to the street in our residential neighborhood, but there’s a relatively high fence around most of it, and our garage on one side, our house on the other. Somebody could walk in from the street through the patio gate, but what’s the chance of that?

He started removing his clothes. I made him hand them all to me until he was completely bare naked. I put them down on the patio table and turned back to him. He was naked and cornered. I lifted the house and started spraying him. I adjusted the stream to maximum power and drenched the shit out of him! Ha Ha! I got closer to him and sprayed at all his dangly bits and between his ass cheeks. I stopped the hosing, made him face me with his hands on his head and back against the wall. I then took dead aim at his cock and balls and sprayed them hard from maybe five feet away. Ouchie! He covered and cowered and I just kept hosing him down with the cold water all over. Payback!

Squirt a Strict Domme Wife like me will he? I wasn’t done yet.

I told him not to move. I got my garden shears and took a couple of fresh twigs from our trees. With my garden knife I prepared them into perfect switches.

pixie switch update
Ms. Amber Pixie Wells (http://spankingpixie.com/).
No doubt cutting the switch to be used on herself,
but I can see her power and confidence shining through
that she could easily be cutting that switch to use on YOU!

I put one down on the patio table next to his clothes. The other I held in my hand and swished through the air a few times.

“Come here,” I told him.

“oh oh…” said david as he approached me, all wet and naked. I grabbed his wrist with my left hand and then started switching him with my right.

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In an attempt to get away he danced 360 degrees all around me, yelping and jumping as I switched his ass, legs, and flanks. We made another turn, and another, and another until I wore out that switch.

Then I took him to a tree against our back fence. I told him to wrap his arms around the tree and hug it. I ducked into the garage and came out with a short length of nylon rope. I quickly tied his wrists together around the tree. I am very good with knots.

I got the other switch I had prepared and came back to him at the tree. I then started whipping him with the fresh switch to his ass. He tried to shirk away from me but he could only get so far, tied up as he was and blocked from moving fully around the tree by the fence. But I was also a bit indiscriminate. Equally happy to switch his legs or flanks if they offered me a better angle.

I didn’t know it at the time, and he did not use his safeword, but I injured his penis a bit against the tree. He rubbed it against the rough tree bark as he tried to avoid his switching. It wasn’t too bad, but it was chaffed from the tree bark and might be sore for a couple of days. I am considering punishing myself for that. It was careless of me. Suggestions, sigh, welcomed.


At any rate, I did not know that at the time, so I wore out that second switch on him as well, shattering the end and breaking it in two as he made frantic cock love to the tree bark.  I told him he could stay there, tied naked to the tree, switch marked, and still wet, until I returned to untie him. It was warm and sunny so he would be fine. Then I went into the house leaving him there.

Of course, fear of discovery must have been uppermost in his mind. After about five minutes I left our house quietly through the front door and walked back around to the patio gate. I even put on my heels so he could hear them clicking as I came. I then yelled out in a disguised voice, “Hello? Julie? Are you there?”

I walked onto our patio from the street and he was just cowering there, tied to his tree. He was very relieved that it was just lil ol me! I untied him and kissed him and sent him inside to lick his wounds as I continued my gardening.

Overreaction to a little hose fun?  Maybe!

Here is what his bum looked like after his switching.
You know you’re getting a bit “Internet famous” when you
search Google Images for “spanking marks from a switching”
and find you husband’s ass on the top row!

mm spanking1
That’s pretty good too.

This one also

girl bare bottom switching spankingthumb
This is a girl. Nice neat lines though.
She clearly didn’t jump around like my man did!

This little one got tied up then switched.
Sort of like I did to david, but I made him hug his tree,
which explains the chaffed penis!

Source: Strict Julie Spanks