As I covered in my last blog post, Fun Development! (you can read the backstory there, I won’t repeat it here) we had visitors Saturday afternoon who were two Feminists interested in a “demonstration” of the kinky dynamic of my and my husband’s relationship!


It went off absolutely beautifully, and it was kind of knocking a thing off the bucket list for david and I.

I’ve already completed the entire post that documents the events, but it is very long (about 12,000 words), and I received some good advise that if I broke it up into multiple posts, that would be well received. As well, there is so much proofreading to do that I thought doing it in parts would be more manageable. So expect a new part every couple of days until I get to the end (we did A LOT!).

But lets dive right in with the first part which covers everything up to his spanking!

When the doorbell rung, I told david to go upstairs to our bedroom and wait for me to call him down. I went and answered.

The visitors were my older sister Sue who was the instigator; Joyce, Sue’s friend who is about my age (late thirties), and is a quite thin brunette; and Beverly, Joyce’s partner, who is about ten years younger (late twenties) and is a more voluptuous blonde. Joyce is an academic with a degree in Psychology, and Beverly completed a Master’s (Mistress?) in Women’s and Gender studies and is now working in a related field. Joyce and Beverly’s academic credentials as Feminists are beyond reproach. All three of them are (at this time anyways) exclusively lesbian, with Joyce and Beverly in a longer-term relationship.

Sue wore a nice light summer dress. Joyce was wearing a light greyish pantsuit sort of ensemble. Beverly was in a black mid-length skirt and orange blouse which showed off a lot of her ample cleavage. We all had heels (so much for Feminism!). I had on very nice (elegant) patterned summer shorts with a matching blouse.


I had already prepared everything I needed where I thought I would use it. david knew what was up, but not any of the details. In fact, I did not know any of the details. Sue had said they were “up to watch anything” (though I didn’t know if Sue gave any examples of what that might consist of, I was assuming she did). I was going to start by calling david down and scolding him for an actual misdeed (that he did not know at the time that I was aware of) and then punish him by spanking him in front of the women. Depending on the conversation and the vibe I would decide on the spot to see how much farther I would be willing to take it.

I conducted them into the living room and asked if I could serve them anything now, or if we should start with the demonstration and maybe get a little drink and something after? They preferred to wait until after. We had a bit of a discussion about their jobs and their academic backgrounds (described above), and I launched into an explanation of what they were about to see.

I decided to play it completely honestly with these women. They were both obviously very smart and would have caught on to any deception. Joyce was a Psychologist for pity’s sake, which made me nervous that she would declare me crazy and have me locked up!

I described to them the history of how david and I got into this. How we had a fairly standard vanilla relationship, and how he was concealing a spanking fetish from me because he thought I would not understand. Then one day he got up the courage to ask me to spank him with a big wooden hairbrush, and the rest is history. I decided not to mention anything at all about switching, as that is a bit more complicated and not so germane to the demo at hand. If Sue had mentioned it, well so be it, and I was not concealing it either, just not bringing it up.

I explained to them that I had a history of sexual abuse, and how surprisingly empowering it was for me to spank him. I described how I really got into it, and began exploring other Dominance and submission type activities with my husband. They were really interested in this link between healing from sexual abuse and empowerment though consensual D/s play, and we discussed that a bit. I think that got them very much “on our side”, as that was a thing they had never considered before.

In that discussion, Beverly said she got how it could be healing and empowering, and how I could enjoy it also, but wasn’t it ultimately all about just satisfying his sexual fetishes?

I responded that that was certainly a big part of it, but that I felt I had used his fetishes not only to bring him gratification and personal sexual wish fulfillment, but also to the benefit of our relationship by establishing a non-traditional dynamic between us, where at certain times and in certain circumstances, I was completely in charge, and that this had holdover effects in general on his attitude towards me, towards women and women’s issues in general, and towards our relationship. That also made them sit back and think a bit. Both Joyce and Beverly indicated that they could sort of understand and accept that.

We were clear that this was not for every man or couple, or the ultimate cure for anything in our society, but that in our little neck of the woods, it worked

I then suggested that they’d be better able to understand where I was coming from once they saw it, and I suggested I give them that demonstration. They were very game.

I explained that everything they were going to see was 100% consensual, though it may not look like it, and that we have a safeword in case he needs it to stop for any reason whatsoever, but that he would be highly unlikely to use it regardless of how strict I were to be with him. I also told them that it was his sexual fetish to be treated like this, and that was impossible to hide (I was referring to his inevitable erection, indirectly!).

Joyce asked a perfect leading question, asking it this was a roleplaying scene they were about to see.

I answered yes and no. In one sense we are role-playing a strict wife and a submissive husband, but on the other hand I am a strict wife and he is a submissive husband. I asked them back, “don’t we all play roles in life?” She conceded the point.

I told them that I often wait for and find real minor things to punish him for that I pretend are more important than they actually are. If it’s a major thing between us, I prefer not to take this route, and will talk it out with him like normal. The idea is not to correct his behaviour, but to provide a real-life pretext for us to assert the dominance and submissiveness dynamic of our relationship, which satisfies his sexual fetish needs, is fun and empowering for me, and has a good longer-term effect on our relationship and his gender attitudes.

At one point I made a comment along the lines of, “you probably think we’re crazy”, but Joyce corrected me quickly and made a point of saying that, au contraire, the relationship I was describing seemed extremely sane.

I then explained about the parking ticket he had received, and that it was the third one in the past couple of months. He had mentioned the first two to me, and “forgot” to mention this last one to me, but that I had discovered the payment on the credit card transaction history, and he does not know that yet. I told them that it was really a minor thing, but that we had actually discussed it in passing after the second one in “normal” mode and he said he would be more careful. They cost about $40 each so that’s about $90 wasted for all three compared to just parking legally. And he didn’t tell me about the third. So that was my “pretext” this time. I reinforced that it’s not really about the minor misdeed, or that I have any expectation (or desire) of changing his behaviour, but that it was all about a real-life “prop” we could use to exercise our dynamic.

Beverly said that was good, because if people would actually be spanked for real for parking tickets, she’d have a pretty sore butt! Joyce jokingly responded, “well, maybe we’ll have to see about that,” and Beverly said “Nooooo!”, but all as this major joke, as in mature adults don’t get spankings for parking tickets. It was fun that they engaged a bit in the more playful end of things this way. While Beverly is the more bubbly one, Joyce has a more stern no-nonsense look about her. It would not surprise me in the least if they “experimented” after they got home that evening!

I reminded them once again before I called david down that it was all consensual and he has a way to make it stop, and that his butt has built up some resiliency over the years so it might seem a bit hard to them. I also reminded them that he gets off on the humiliation, even though he is genuinely humiliated, so they should feel free to make little comments to him as we go, and we can keep the discussion going as I demonstrate. I also told them that I’d offer opportunities where they might want to get in there and participate, but absolutely not to feel obliged to do so. They looked a bit nervous and excited. I noticed Sue with a big grin on her face, looking a little excited. She is kinky as well, and the kinkiness of the whole scene must have turned her on.

But it was now time to get the show on the road. I go to the foot of the stairs and yell up in my “Angry Julie” voice, “david! Come down here! Now!”

(to be continued…)
Source: Strict Julie
