[Continued from Part 1]

maletears 2

So, it was time to get this show on the road! I go to the foot of the stairs and yell up in my “Angry Julie” voice, “david! Come down here! Now!” He came right down.

“david, this is Joyce and this is Beverly, both friends of Sue.” david went to approach the seated ladies and shake hands with them but I stopped him in his tracks. “Don’t shake their hands. Don’t talk to them. You know why they’re here.”

“Yes Ma’am”

“Get on your knees,” I told him, pointing to the floor in front of me. I don’t usually make david do this, so it threw him for a bit of a loop. He looked around himself nervously.

“On. Your. Knees.” I repeated, enunciating each word. “You’re already going to be punished, do you need a lesson in obedience as well?” I asked.

“No Ma’am,” he said as he descended self-consciously to his knees. There were little nervous half-smiles from the ladies.

Already, even this early, the tension was thick and palpable in the room. Intelligent, educated people in adult relationships just don’t get yelled at like this, and they certainly don’t get down on their knees on command from their wives! It took just a few seconds to flip that switch. I was relishing the tension I created.

I went to get my iPad where I have my banking app. I opened it up and went to the credit card transaction history (it’s a shared card), and scrolled down to the parking ticket payment.

“What’s this?” I asked him, showing him the iPad and pointing to the offending entry.

“Ummm, it’s a parking ticket fine,” he said, shrugging, but knowing that he was in trouble now! I thought it was great that I had caught him in an actual misdeed for the purposes of this session. In fact, I had been saving this incident up for some time for a scene, but OMG, what better scene to deploy it!

“Several weeks ago,” I said, “and on top of two others in the last couple of months. Did you ‘forget’ to tell me about this one, sweety?” I asked, dripping sarcasm.

“Yeah, sorry,” he said.

It might not seem like it to others, but he was bratting me now. He knew he was in the wrong and in trouble, yet there was no “Ma’am” coming out of his mouth and his half-hearted dismissive “yeah sorry” was a clear brat attack. I wasn’t about to let that slip.

I slowly and silently folded up the iPad and put it away. The silence remained heavy in the room. I walked back to him, looked him in the eye, and very suddenly SLAPPED him, hard, across his face! This actually made one of the ladies gasp (I don’t know who). david told me afterwards that his ears were ringing from the slap!

From YouTube

“You ‘forgot’?” I asked again.

“Yesssss…” he said.

I slapped him again across his face.

“Did you ‘forget’ or did you deliberately not tell me?” I asked, my hand poised for another hard slap across his face.

“I deliberately didn’t tell you!” he admitted. After two hard slaps, with a third on its way, men tend to tell the truth.

“You LIED to me!” I said and I slapped him again.

“I didn’t lie to you. I just didn’t tell you!” he said, his voice shaking.

I made an angry face and raised my hand again and he cowered away. “So we’re going to have a philosophical debate about lies of commission versus lies of omission, is that it?”

“noooo” he said.

“Did you know you should have told me, and still chose not to?” I asked.

“yessss” he said

“Why?” I asked.

“Because I knew you’d be mad at me if I told you,” he wailed, the truth coming more and more out.

“Did you think I wouldn’t notice, is that it?” I asked.

“yes…” he said

“I’ll ask you one more time. Did. You. Lie. To. Me?”

“Yes Ma’am, I’m sorrrrry!”

There we go, that’s better. How many slaps does it take to slap the brat out of the boy? Three it seems, but they better be hard ones!

“Well well,” I said, calming down a bit now. “Get up and go fetch me the keys to your car.”

He stood up and went upstairs where he keeps his stuff.

I looked at the ladies to check in on them. “Wow” mouthed Joyce, with Beverly nodding enthusiastically at the sentiment. They both looked highly engaged with the drama. It was a very intense scene we had just played out, and the tension was still palpable. david came back and spontaneously got back down on his knees, holding his keys out to me. I casually took them from him, dropped them into my purse and said, “you’re grounded from your car for a month, you can take the bus.”

“Nooooo, please!” he begged. He loves his car, and he was not 100% sure I was serious or not.

“Hard to get a parking ticket if you don’t have a car, isn’t it?” I asked him.

“Yes Ma’am,” he said, “but not my car, please! I’ll be more careful, I promise!”

How pathetic. I thought I would involve the ladies a bit. “What do you think, ladies, is it a fair punishment?”

Joyce spoke up and said, “I think whatever you say goes,” with a smirk on her face for my man. “Boys and their toys,” said Beverly.

“Plus you can pay back what you squandered on those parking tickets by not eating out for lunch for a month also. You can pack a lunch, and don’t expect me to make it for you,” I said.

“Come on!” he said, getting a bit angry with me now.

“You ‘come on’,” I said. “Teach you a well-deserved lesson, young man.”

“But come on about the car, please!” he begged, “You’re treating me like a kid, and in front of your sister and her friends… It’s humiliating…”

Oh yes, it was very humiliating! Imagine being a grown man and having your wife take the keys to your car for a month for excess parking tickets. And this being done in front of three smirking female witnesses. But enough with the back-talk already!

“Are you back-talking me? Consider this your second warning for disobedience. If you give me cause for a third, I’ll give you a dose of obedience training, right in front of these women. You know what that entails. Do you want that?”

“Nooo. Please!”

“Alright then. I expect obedience. And as to you being treated like a child, if you behave like a child, you’ll get treated like a child, no matter who is here to see it. Is that understood?”

“Yes Ma’am.”

“The grounding is your punishment for the three parking tickets,” I said. “I still need to punish you for lying to me. What do you think you’re punishment for lying to me should be?” I asked.

He squirmed on his knees and made a very pained looking face. “Please no,” he begged, “not in front of them, please!” he pleaded. He did not mean it. He lives to get spanked in front of witnesses.

“It’s why they’re here, david. Now answer me, what do you think your punishment for lying to me should be?” I asked again.

“a… a… sp… spanking,” he finally managed to get out. Despite it being what he craves, it’s still hard for him in the moment.

“That’s right,” I said, “a spanking right across my knee, just like a naughty little boy like you deserves. Go upstairs and undress, and come back here in just your underpants. I’ll allow you to keep your underpants on in honour of our guests.”

“Can I at least keep my pants up, please?” (more bratting!)

“Underpants!  Not a stitch more on you. Unless you want it on your bare bottom?” (he does)

“No Ma’am!”

Without waiting for my response he got up and climbed the stairs to the upstairs to undress as I had instructed. I had no intention whatsoever of allowing him to keep his underparts, but thought it would build tension all around for the ladies and david both to believe that was my intent (and a quite “reasonable” intent, given the circumstances, no?). So it would be all that much sweeter when they came off! See? I’m good at this game!

I asked the ladies what they thought about all of it so far. They said it was intense and felt very “real”. I told them it was very real. The offense was minor but it gives us an excuse to re-establish our dynamic. They looked… impressed.

[Continued in Part 3]
Source: Strict Julie
