With the vehicles out of the garage, have some great teasing fun with him. Have him take his shirt off and then Tie a separate rope to each of his wrists. Loop each rope around the two rails for the garage door as far away from the garage door as possible (for safety), so as you pull them tight, his arm will outstretch, leaving him fairly helpless. Tie the two ropes together with his arms stretched tight.

Now, unpants him. Unlock him or lock him up (depending on what state he is in), force him into panties, put a bra on (with removable straps), take pictures. He’s helpless.

In his most vulnerable moments, threaten that you could open the garage door, and expose him to the neighborhood. Now he is in a place to promise whatever you ask for. How about those chores he has been forgetting about? How about a longer chastity sentence? How about a promise to return to the garage next month for another review of his progress?

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