Modesty Ablaze Barbeque 1

“No we can’t take it home with us!” Hubby laughed. “It probably doesn’t even work. And anyway, it’s far too big!”

Modesty Ablaze Barbeque 2

“But you know how much I love big ones!” I teased. “And it’s all nice and shiny!”

Modesty Ablaze Barbeque 3

“It looks freshly cleaned and well looked after too. I think it’s only just been dumped here you know.”

Modesty Ablaze Barbeque 4

“Oooh . . . this lid is quite heavy. I could have lots more fun than just cooking things with this!!!”

Modesty Ablaze Barbeque 5

“And look at this . . . a new spanking brush!” I giggled as I searched through the shelves underneath.

Modesty Ablaze Barbeque 6

“Perhaps we could wave down a passing van to help get it back to ours.”

For lots more Sinful Abandonment this weekend, simply tap on the
Sinful Sunday lips below!!!

Sinful Sunday

P.S. – On this occasion, Hubby couldn’t be persuaded, so we carried on
with our walk. But I have at least added our discovery to the
Abandoned Furniture list at my Exposé Vŭ pages.

Modesty Ablaze Expose Vu

Xxx – K

Pour Modesty Ablaze A Glass of Wine

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Modestly Abandoned 4 #sinfulsunday