I have been thinking about writing this blog post for a long time. But the concepts to be communicated are so difficult to set out elegantly that I have been procrastinating. However, today I have decided to have a go.

Of course a submissive like bitch-boy has no rights under my roof. My domestic tyranny holds sway in all things. What this post is about is the concept of true submissives having the right not to be discriminated against because of their sexuality – in the same way gay and lesbian people have that right – at least in countries where the politicians have the required levels of intelligence and wisdom to be working at creating a civilised society. I hope my gay and lesbian friends are not offended, but if I look back 50 years ago in the UK, it was unlawful for gay men to have sex. It was an illegal act which could result in a prison term, and often did. And gay men were discriminated against in the workplace and elsewhere. But gay men do not choose to be gay and the evidence is becoming overwhelming that being gay is substantially genetic. As I understand it, gay men usually know they are gay before adolescence.

Well, I have so many times, come across submissives, like bitch-boy, who knew they were submissive well before adolescence. Usually between the ages of 6 and 11. I would bet my favourite cane that being submissive is also substantially genetic. I wonder if I would be making an accurate prediction by saying that in perhaps, 25 years, being submissive will be like being gay and not incur discrimination in civilised countries? At the moment, in most countries, when a submissive is physically disciplined by a dominant, that dominant is committing the offense of assault. But this discipline is part of the sex-life the submissive needs and wants.

Then there is the added complication of consent. I just laugh when I see the old mantra for BDSM play of ‘Sane, Safe and Consensual’. I have set out my views, supported overwhelmingly by submissives who leave comments, that a submissive does not want to consent to what happens to them when being dominated. If they consent, they are in charge and are therefore not content. So it all gets quite tricky. I can imagine a standard contract, accepted by society, that might be signed before a submissive and dominant embark on a relationship where the sub consents to enduring whatever the dominant wants to do, forever more. (I guess there should be some hard limits included in the terms and conditions. And if the hard limits were too fettering for the Dominant, then the Dominant would have to find another sub.)

At the moment just about all people in a Dom/Sub relationship have to keep the nature of their lifestyle very secret from vanilla people and from society. They could be sacked from their jobs, refused access to hotels or restaurants or shops, etc, were their secret to come out. Just how it was for gay men 50 years ago.

Is there any organisation which is pushing for the rights for submissives? I am not sure there is.


Source: Ms Scarlet


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