One aspect of the Wife Led Marriage (WLM) lifestyle that I have come to enjoy is permanently modifying the behavior of my husband. I get a thrill out of using my feminine power and control over him to change his habits, his thoughts, and mindset. I am not talking about fantasy or physical control. I am talking about a deep emotional change in his being and the way he thinks. It was my husband who first brought this concept to light for me. It was about a year and half after our formal WLM began, that he confessed to me some deep thoughts on behavior change. He did not call it behavior modification and I don’t think at the time he realized how deep and profound his confessions were but they certainly struck a chord with me.
What he shared with me was that he had been reflecting back on his life over the past few years and realized that he was a much different person now then he was prior to our WLM (for context this occurred 15+ years ago, so ‘now’ was actually 15+ years ago). He further explained that my authority over him was very real to him and not fantasy play; that his natural instinct was to always obey me and look to me for approval. He gave examples such as, whenever I punish or
discipline him, he does not think twice about accepting it and complying with it. The thought of resisting or arguing never occurs because he knows he must obey, much like a young child obeys his mom because she is the ultimate authority and in the child’s mind, he/she has no other choice. He also gave the example that whenever someone invites him or us to an event, whether it be a social gathering, dinner, or weekend away, his first thought is to run it by me for approval. It does not even occur to him anymore to accept the invite on his own (fast forward to current day and most of our mutual friends have picked up on this and have learned to ask me and not him. Now I make the arrangements and just inform him on what we are doing). Ultimately he confessed to me that he became very aroused when he came to the realization that my
control and
dominance over him had changed him as a person, including his natural instincts and his thought processes. He liked that I had ‘molded’ him and the realization of all this made him feel even more
submissive to me.
“Wow!” was what I was saying in my head. At first it seemed crazy to me, but the more it sank in, the more it made sense, and I liked what I was hearing. The main reason that I decided to fully embrace the WLM lifestyle was because I started experiencing many benefits from my husband’s
submission to me. The improvement in my lifestyle was noticeable as a result of him taking on more
chores, pampering me, and accepting my word as the final word in all matters. When I realized how much I was benefiting from controlling him, I made the conscious decision to fully commit to a WLM. After committing to WLM, I was happy with the things my husband was doing but it never occurred to me that his actions were really the result of changes in his thought process and mindset. When he shared this with me, it made me realize how life changing my
control over him is. That’s so deep!
His confession years ago, intrigued me and I became fascinated with the emotional impact of
female domination. Naturally that interest influenced they way I used my feminine power over Thomas. I became more in tune the emotional side of
domination and
submission. As a result, I began to look for ways to exert my
control in a manner that not only benefited me but also influenced his emotional state. Some of it was just for fun and some of it was because I knew it would turn him into puddy in my hands. My
dominance quickly became much more effective. For example, I became very purposeful in the words that I used when talking to him and giving him orders because I knew certain words had a definite impact on his mental state such as calling him “
slave” or “pet,” referring to him as a girl or little boy, telling him “good boy” or “good girl,” and telling him he looked cute in his panties.
I also experimented with conditioning him to get aroused. I am sure most of you heard of the experiment of Pavlov’s Dog, where Pavlov continually showed a hungry dog food and rang a a bell. The dog would salivate at the site of the food. Eventually, Pavlov just rang the bell and the dog salivated because his brain connected the sound of the bell to the sight of the food. Sorry guys, but you and your penis’s are just the like Pavlov’s dog. A little teasing of my husband’s
cock each time I asked for a massage eventually turned into him getting aroused by me asking for a massage, and that still happens today. It works with smell to. I once wore the same perfume every time I played with his
cock. Then a few weeks later I sat next to him on the couch, wearing the same perfume, and *boom* suddenly he got all frisky with me. You guys are so easily conditioned!
Those were fun little experiments, but it is exciting to train and condition him for longer term behavior modification. It sounds like fantasy talk, but it is all true. Behavior and thoughts are changed over time through a structured and controlled environment, that includes accountability,
discipline, repetition and positive reinforcement. When this is all highly correlated or linked to his arousal and sexual desires, the impact is significant. I would even say it is life changing. Over the years, through my continuous
control over my husband, he has been transformed into an obedient
slave for me, not just by his actions, but also in the way he thinks, talks to me, and responds to me. When I ask for something to be done, there is no longer any hesitation. It is his natural reaction to jump at my command. I love that!
This “husband 2.0” is making my life easier and more exciting. He is literally providing me a higher standard of living by treating me like a Queen. To be clear, this does not mean he does not think on his own and waits on me every second of the day. That is not what I want in a
slave husband. No, he has personality, he thinks on his own, makes decisions, and has a say in many decisions. What is different is that much of the way he thinks and acts has been influenced by my
control and is done with top consideration for my needs and desires. I’ve managed to wring out many of his annoying and bad habits over the years! What’s fantastic about all this is he loves it also. Knowing that he is being molded by my
control is very exciting for him and touches deep into his
submissive craving. It is a win-win for both of us.
training and conditioning never ends either, at least not for me. A few months ago, I began another
training project with him. I will write about that in my next post.
Permanent Behavior Modification
The Ultimate Male Chastity Key Holding Experience

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