• Susan's Femdom Level 3 Affirmations Loop File - For Women

    Susan will increase your desire to use a strap on to peg your man.  You will adopt the term girl cock, and you will have strong desires to wear your girl cock around the house, making him submit to it at your will.  This is a fantastic role reversal level, where each person gets to experience true domination and submission in reverse.  Do not listen to this file, if your man will not let you peg him.  It will create strong desires for you to do so, and call him your bitch while you are doing it. Preview:

    (This file only previews the intro and the goonight message after 2 hours of embedding triggers and commands)


    Hypnosis length 1 hour 44 minutes 15 seconds

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  • Susan's Femdom Level 2 Affirmations Loop File - For Women

    Susan will increase your desire to introduce spanking into your relationship.  The spankings will be for fun, and for discipline.  In addition to this, you will take over your mans orgasms and make sure that he never orgasms without your permission soh that is sexual energy is directed positively towards you. This will spice up the bedroom life, and add a stronger element of power exchange in the household.



    Hypnosis length 1 hour 45 minutes 28 seconds

    [Content protected for Gold Membership, Gold Lifetime Membership, Custom Hypnosis & Lifetime Gold members only] Login  if you are a Gold Membership, Gold Lifetime Membership, Custom Hypnosis & Lifetime Gold member, or Upgrade to access this content.  
  • Susan's Femdom Level 1 Affirmations Loop File - For Women

    This is the basis and foundation for any femdom relationship.  It helps the woman understand that she is deserving of taking the lead in the household, and that her man must cherish, honour and obey, which flips the script in traditional marriages.  This is truly the epitome of "a happy wife is a happy life".  You will learn to assert more dominance and step up and take lead in all the major house decisions.  You can always communicate with your husband on all matters, but you have the final say.  This is preparing you to take that over.



    Hypnosis length 1 hour 51 minutes 26 seconds

    [Content protected for Gold Membership, Gold Lifetime Membership, Custom Hypnosis & Lifetime Gold members only] Login  if you are a Gold Membership, Gold Lifetime Membership, Custom Hypnosis & Lifetime Gold member, or Upgrade to access this content.