I was pleased to see all the comments in the last post. I am very intrigued by the “Parking” concept and it seems like many women employ this technique in some way. If you have experience with being put away or caged, I would love to hear about it. Please share your experience in the comments section of the last post titled “Parking Your Husband.”  On a different note….below are some thoughts around shifting submissive men from being self-gratifying to serving their wife or partner.  Enjoy!
Most, if not all guys are driven into the female dominate world through their desires and fantasies to be sexually dominated by a female. It’s probably somewhere along the lines of the usual  pornography of a dominatrix or a woman spanking, abusing, and tying up men. Guys penises react very well to that type of imagery and so masses of men find themselves transfixed to their computer or phone screen week after week seeking sexual gratification.  Those of us who are in the lifestyle understand that the female dominance is much broader than sex.  When you fully embrace female dominance as a whole lifestyle and integrate it into your marriage or relationship, it is a life changer and becomes purposeful, fulfilling, and exciting for the couple.

In the Wife Led Marriage (WLM) or Female Led Relationship (FLR), it is about the female accepting complete authority and control over the male and the male willfully yielding to the female and accepting his place beneath her in the relationship. Most men start out in femdom with the sole purpose of pleasing themselves. The problem with this attitude is that the pleasure is short-lived and it is not an approach that is conducive to developing a meaningful relationship. No woman is going to want to be in a long-term relationship where all she is doing is dominating the guy just because that is what he wants. For some reason, guys tend to think that their wife will “get off” on dominating them just as much as they (men) “get off” on being dominated. For some women, this is true but for many women it is not true, especially if it is on his terms.  For example, putting Thomas in panties is not very arousing to me but it is a huge turn-on for him. For the WLM/FLR to succeed, there has to be something in it for the woman.

Deep fulfillment and pleasure comes when the male learns to shift his focus from himself to pleasing the woman. The submissive male derives pleasure from serving and pleasing the female.  Interesting enough, I think many submissive guys do not understand that about themselves because their sexual pleasure gets in the way and becomes their sole focus. Their short-term pleasure blinds them to what can bring them happiness. It is often up to women to guide and train men to change their attitude to be focused on pleasing and serving women.

When a man yields completely to a woman, gives her full authority over him, and focuses his life on doing his best to please and obey her, he will experience true submission. The pleasure and satisfaction that comes with submission is far greater than the quick fix of being spanked, abused, etc. Not only is this rewarding for the guy, it also engages and encourages the woman to dominate the guy. The domination becomes more purposeful and exciting for her.

I want to be clear that I am not discounting the importance of the man’s desire and need to be sexually dominated. Sexual dominance is a key motivator for the male and it is critical that women tap into this desire in order to keep the male motivated and focused on serving and pleasing her. What I am advocating is that for a WLM/FLR to be successful and for the male to find true fulfillment in the relationship, he must shift his focus away from purely seeking sexual gratification to a focus of serving and pleasing his partner.


-Mz Kaylee

Shifting the Submissive Male’s Focus

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