Only mid February and the stinging nettle shoots are up. Delightful.

nettles copyThey may be only the length of a finger, if that, but if you are a follower of my blog you will know that the early nettles, before they have flowered, sting the most and the stings last for ages! And the leaves are all close together in a dome at the top of the stem, rather than being spread out along the stem as will happen in the summer.


I would normally have waited until they were long enough to grip the stems and then use like mini whips on poor little subby’s cocks with the nettles blanket.

But why wait? These will be ideal to use like little tiny feather dusters or to sit inside a sunglasses pouch which can then be pulled over a naughty hard cock.


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Source: Ms Scarlet

Stinging Nettles Arrive!

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