Anonymous wrote: Oh yeah it was really awesome… You idiot, you’ve conditioned yourself into a completely screwed up mindset/relationship. Yes your wife/partner puts up with it because it makes you happy, no doubt tells you she likes it. But you really think she wouldn’t prefer something more normal? Just a loving relationship without all the props and you acting like a simpering puppy. DO you think she really respects you? 

Why the fuck this person is reading my blog I have no idea. This really pisses me off because this is something that I have worried about time and again over the years, and time and again Mistress has assured me that she does NOT want to go back to a ‘normal’ relationship.

And yes Anonymous, I do think Mistress respects me.

This kind of relationship demands the kind of trust that ‘normal’ relationships can survive without, this kind of relationship forces both partners to commit to each other in a much deeper way than you will ever understand and along the way strengthens and intensifies the relationship. You obviously have zero comprehension of this lifestyle and the benefits it brings to a marriage, which is a shame because the last eight years have been the best of our nigh on 28 year relationship… still that’s your loss not mine.

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