I came across these questions on the blog of JR Vincente. I am a long-term fan of TMI Tuesday and will take any opportunity to participate. Originally, these questions were posted in November 2013.

If your sandwich is cut in half on the diagonal, creating two triangles, do you bite the hypotenuse or the point?

Specifically, the corner of the hypotenuse. If you eat the right angle corner, you are a weirdo and will lose all your fillings.

Dipping a tortilla chip–do you dip the tip or the side of the chip to scoop the dip?

This is a conundrum. It is the reason I don’t really like the triangular tortilla chips. I prefer to use a knife to scoop the dip onto the chip and spread it over the whole chip. Or use a Jatz. Much more functional.


Do you think you drink too much coffee? How much do you drink daily? What is a “cup” of coffee to you–how many ounces/grams?

Coffee is the work of the devil. I do not understand how going to a place like Zaraffa’s has become necessary for people to get through their day. Spending such a ridiculous amount of money on coffee seems wasteful to me. Not to mention the environmental impact of the plastic lids and plastic lined cups.

I don’t like the taste of coffee in anything. Not even tiramisu.

Do you take cream in your tea? How many sugars?

I am a little confused by this question. What kind of weirdo puts cream in their tea? I take milk but no sugar.

How do you eat a burrito?
a. Pick it up with your hands, bite into an end.
b. Cut it in half, then pick up one half and eat it.
c. Eat it with a fork and knife
d. Open the tortilla, eat the food inside and eat the tortilla last.
e. Other

Burritos are not a common fast food here, but whenever I have eaten them, I usually hold them with both hands and eat from one end to the other.

Pizza…How do you eat a slice?
a. Pick it up and eat it as an open slice.
b. Pick it up and fold it together, then bite into it.
c. Leave it on the plate and eat with a fork and knife.
e. I eat the crust first, then the rest of the slice.

I think pizza in Australia is different from pizza in the US, just as US pizza is different from Italian pizza. So for us, b and c are not options that would really work. I don’t know a single person who would eat the crust of a pizza first! I know people, myself included, who don’t really eat the crust at all. So option a. it is.

Bonus: What is the weirdest thing that you are into?

That question could lead in many directions. However, I am going to keep with food, kind of. I have had experiences of being the dessert and thoroughly enjoyed it. Recently I am curious about being a charcuterie or sushi platter.

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Bonus Bonus: Do you care if your different foods, on a plate, touch each other?

No! Not casting aspersions because I know for some people it is a sensory thing. Some of my favourite dishes involve foods touching, nachos, chips and gravy. Actually, put gravy on all the meat and vegetables. While you are at it, mix the peas into the mashed potato.