Before getting to the meat of this post, I have a question to my blog followers. I often post a view of mine in a comment in response to a comment I have received on my blog. Sometimes a view I would really like to share with all my blog followers. However, the number who follow my comments is less than 50% of the number who follow my blog posts. So, am I right that followers of my blog who do not follow my comments, do not see the comments I write?

[There must have been a less complicated and more elegant way of writing the above!]

Below is something I would like to share with my blog followers that I was going to publish as a comment rather than a blog post. I guess less than 50% of my blog followers would have read it if I had done so?

I consider that there are four types of sadism. Sadistic pleasure from putting someone through endless tedium like when bitch-boy is in sensory deprivation bondage for hours, or having to repeatedly play a Disney Princess board game with his dollies while being mostly ignored, for hours. Then there is the sadistic pleasure from the mental pain of someone you are degrading. By having them, for instance, lick your piss from the floor, pissing on them or having them eat food you have chewed and spat out. Then there is the sadistic pleasure from the mental pain of someone you are humiliating, like when I have bitch-boy perform nursery rhymes with actions, dressed as a little girl, in front of as many mocking women as I can gather into one place. I am certain I have no boundaries for these three types of sadism and I aim for as horrendous as I can possibly make it. Then we come to traditionally understood sadism – pleasure from inflicting physical, kinaesthetic pain. I thought I had no significant boundaries. I found out during Mistress Justine’s visit that that had not been the case. But I am different now! bitch-boy has much more intense physical, kinaesthetic pain to look forward to!

[The above paragraph also happens to be an extract from my very soon to be published Volume 10 of my journals.]


Source: Ms Scarlet


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