Head trainer at femdomtraining.ca My goal is to enlighten men and women on the benefits of a female led relationship, and to teach specific methods on how to become a more dominant woman, and a more submissive man. My hypnosis files are powerful and will accomplish this. Try them out. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all of them.
My Mistress wife loves to tease me about my lack of penis size even though I go more than 7 inches. She says she wants to bring in a bigger, thicker black friend she knows to graphically demonstrate my short comings!
My Mistress wife loves to tease me about my lack of penis size even though I go more than 7 inches. She says she wants to bring in a bigger, thicker black friend she knows to graphically demonstrate my short comings!
In my own case, I will say ‘he’ will be servicing that Cock soon. Once you do it, you need it and he is no different than any other.