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Stormie The Herm Pony

Destiny: “Come on Stormie my dear ponygirl, resisting is only going to further your punishment. After all you have lost nearly all of your hair and the only thing that isn’t pierced is your balls”
Ginny: “OMG that transvestite is being forced to be a ponygirl the outrage!”
Andrea: “Damn she is fine”

Commissioned Artwork For

Destiny is the Doll Maker from my Castle Cruciatu Series. Some Modifications here and there. Also Showcasing the Gag Harness which I am working on. For the hair I used opacity maps to give that humiliating style as requested by the commissioner.

High Rez Versions Available
Patreon – www.patreon.com/ZaZ


Source: Femdom Planet


Stormie The Herm Pony

Destiny: “Come on Stormie…